Class DefaultDynamoDbEnhancedClient

All Implemented Interfaces:
DynamoDbEnhancedClient, DynamoDbEnhancedResource

public final class DefaultDynamoDbEnhancedClient extends Object implements DynamoDbEnhancedClient
  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static DefaultDynamoDbEnhancedClient.Builder builder()
    • table

      public <T> DefaultDynamoDbTable<T> table(String tableName, TableSchema<T> tableSchema)
      Description copied from interface: DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      Returns a mapped table that can be used to execute commands that work with mapped items against that table.
      Specified by:
      table in interface DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      Type Parameters:
      T - The modelled object type being mapped to this table.
      tableName - The name of the physical table persisted by DynamoDb.
      tableSchema - A TableSchema that maps the table to a modelled object.
      A DynamoDbTable object that can be used to execute table operations against.
    • batchGetItem

      Description copied from interface: DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      Retrieves items from one or more tables by their primary keys, see Key. BatchGetItem is a composite operation where the request contains one batch of GetItemEnhancedRequest per targeted table. The operation makes several calls to the database; each time you iterate over the result to retrieve a page, a call is made for the items on that page.

      The additional configuration parameters that the enhanced client supports are defined in the BatchGetItemEnhancedRequest.

      Partial results. A single call to DynamoDb has restraints on how much data can be retrieved. If those limits are exceeded, the call yields a partial result. This may also be the case if provisional throughput is exceeded or there is an internal DynamoDb processing failure. The operation automatically retries any unprocessed keys returned from DynamoDb in subsequent calls for pages.

      This operation calls the low-level DynamoDbClient.batchGetItemPaginator( operation. Consult the BatchGetItem documentation for further details and constraints as well as current limits of data retrieval.


       BatchGetResultPageIterable batchResults = enhancedClient.batchGetItem(

      The result can be accessed either through iterable BatchGetResultPages or flattened results belonging to the supplied table across all pages.

      1) Iterating through pages

       batchResults.forEach(page -> {
           page.resultsForTable(firstItemTable).forEach(item -> System.out.println(item));
           page.resultsForTable(secondItemTable).forEach(item -> System.out.println(item));

      2) Iterating through results across all pages

       results.resultsForTable(firstItemTable).forEach(item -> System.out.println(item));
       results.resultsForTable(secondItemTable).forEach(item -> System.out.println(item));
      Specified by:
      batchGetItem in interface DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      request - A BatchGetItemEnhancedRequest containing keys grouped by tables.
      an iterator of type SdkIterable with paginated results of type BatchGetResultPage.
      See Also:
    • batchGetItem

      Description copied from interface: DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      Retrieves items from one or more tables by their primary keys, see Key. BatchGetItem is a composite operation where the request contains one batch of GetItemEnhancedRequest per targeted table. The operation makes several calls to the database; each time you iterate over the result to retrieve a page, a call is made for the items on that page.

      Note: This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the request builder avoiding the need to create one manually via BatchGetItemEnhancedRequest.builder().


       BatchGetResultPageIterable batchResults = enhancedClient.batchGetItem(r -> r.addReadBatches(
                    .addGetItem(i -> i.key(key1))
                    .addGetItem(i -> i.key(key2))
                    .addGetItem(i -> i.key(key3))
      Specified by:
      batchGetItem in interface DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      requestConsumer - a Consumer of BatchGetItemEnhancedRequest.Builder containing keys grouped by tables.
      an iterator of type SdkIterable with paginated results of type BatchGetResultPage.
      See Also:
    • batchWriteItem

      public BatchWriteResult batchWriteItem(BatchWriteItemEnhancedRequest request)
      Description copied from interface: DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      Puts and/or deletes multiple items in one or more tables. BatchWriteItem is a composite operation where the request contains one batch of (a mix of) PutItemEnhancedRequest and DeleteItemEnhancedRequest per targeted table.

      The additional configuration parameters that the enhanced client supports are defined in the BatchWriteItemEnhancedRequest.

      A single call to BatchWriteItem has the same limit of items as the low-level DynamoDB API BatchWriteItem operation, considering all items across all WriteBatches.

      Note: BatchWriteItem cannot update items. Instead, use the individual updateItem operation DynamoDbTable.updateItem(UpdateItemEnhancedRequest).

      Partial updates
      Each delete or put call is atomic, but the operation as a whole is not. If individual operations fail due to exceeded provisional throughput internal DynamoDb processing failures, the failed requests can be retrieved through the result, see BatchWriteResult.

      There are some conditions that cause the whole batch operation to fail. These include non-existing tables, erroneously defined primary key attributes, attempting to put and delete the same item as well as referring more than once to the same hash and range (sort) key.

      This operation calls the low-level DynamoDB API BatchWriteItem operation. Consult the BatchWriteItem documentation for further details and constraints, current limits of data to write and/or delete, how to handle partial updates and retries and under which conditions the operation will fail.


       BatchWriteResult batchResult = enhancedClient.batchWriteItem(
      Specified by:
      batchWriteItem in interface DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      request - A BatchWriteItemEnhancedRequest containing keys and items grouped by tables.
      a BatchWriteResult containing any unprocessed requests.
    • batchWriteItem

      public BatchWriteResult batchWriteItem(Consumer<BatchWriteItemEnhancedRequest.Builder> requestConsumer)
      Description copied from interface: DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      Puts and/or deletes multiple items in one or more tables. BatchWriteItem is a composite operation where the request contains one batch of (a mix of) PutItemEnhancedRequest and DeleteItemEnhancedRequest per targeted table.

      The additional configuration parameters that the enhanced client supports are defined in the BatchWriteItemEnhancedRequest.

      A single call to BatchWriteItem has the same limit of items as the low-level DynamoDB API BatchWriteItem operation, considering all items across all WriteBatches.

      Note: BatchWriteItem cannot update items. Instead, use the individual updateItem operation DynamoDbTable.updateItem(UpdateItemEnhancedRequest).

      Partial updates
      Each delete or put call is atomic, but the operation as a whole is not. If individual operations fail due to exceeded provisional throughput internal DynamoDb processing failures, the failed requests can be retrieved through the result, see BatchWriteResult.

      There are some conditions that cause the whole batch operation to fail. These include non-existing tables, erroneously defined primary key attributes, attempting to put and delete the same item as well as referring more than once to the same hash and range (sort) key.

      This operation calls the low-level DynamoDB API BatchWriteItem operation. Consult the BatchWriteItem documentation for further details and constraints, current limits of data to write and/or delete, how to handle partial updates and retries and under which conditions the operation will fail.

      Note: This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the request builder avoiding the need to create one manually via BatchWriteItemEnhancedRequest.builder().


       BatchWriteResult batchResult = enhancedClient.batchWriteItem(r -> r.writeBatches(
                     .addPutItem(i -> i.item(item1))
                     .addDeleteItem(i -> i.key(key2))
                     .addPutItem(i -> i.item(item3))
      Specified by:
      batchWriteItem in interface DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      requestConsumer - a Consumer of BatchWriteItemEnhancedRequest containing keys and items grouped by tables.
      a BatchWriteResult containing any unprocessed requests.
    • transactGetItems

      public List<Document> transactGetItems(TransactGetItemsEnhancedRequest request)
      Description copied from interface: DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      Retrieves multiple items from one or more tables in a single atomic transaction. TransactGetItem is a composite operation where the request contains a set of get requests, each containing a table reference and a GetItemEnhancedRequest. The list of results correspond to the ordering of the request definitions; for example the third addGetItem() call on the request builder will match the third result (index 2) of the result.

      The additional configuration parameters that the enhanced client supports are defined in the TransactGetItemsEnhancedRequest.

      DynamoDb will reject a call to TransactGetItems if the call exceeds limits such as provisioned throughput or allowed size of items, if the request contains errors or if there are conflicting operations accessing the same item, for instance updating and reading at the same time.

      This operation calls the low-level DynamoDB API TransactGetItems operation. Consult the TransactGetItems documentation for further details and constraints.


       List<TransactGetResultPage> results = enhancedClient.transactGetItems(
                                                 .addGetItem(firstItemTable, GetItemEnhancedRequest.builder().key(key1).build())
                                                 .addGetItem(firstItemTable, GetItemEnhancedRequest.builder().key(key2).build())
                                                 .addGetItem(firstItemTable, GetItemEnhancedRequest.builder().key(key3).build())
                                                 .addGetItem(secondItemTable, GetItemEnhancedRequest.builder().key(key4).build())
       MyItem item = results.get(3).getItem(secondItemTable);
      See DynamoDbClient.transactGetItems(Consumer) to learn more about TransactGetItems.
      Specified by:
      transactGetItems in interface DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      request - A TransactGetItemsEnhancedRequest containing keys with table references.
      a list of Document with the results.
    • transactGetItems

      public List<Document> transactGetItems(Consumer<TransactGetItemsEnhancedRequest.Builder> requestConsumer)
      Description copied from interface: DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      Retrieves multiple items from one or more tables in a single atomic transaction. TransactGetItem is a composite operation where the request contains a set of get requests, each containing a table reference and a GetItemEnhancedRequest. The list of results correspond to the ordering of the request definitions; for example the third addGetItem() call on the request builder will match the third result (index 2) of the result.

      The additional configuration parameters that the enhanced client supports are defined in the TransactGetItemsEnhancedRequest.

      DynamoDb will reject a call to TransactGetItems if the call exceeds limits such as provisioned throughput or allowed size of items, if the request contains errors or if there are conflicting operations accessing the same item, for instance updating and reading at the same time.

      This operation calls the low-level DynamoDB API TransactGetItems operation. Consult the TransactGetItems documentation for further details and constraints.

      Note: This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the request builder avoiding the need to create one manually via TransactGetItemsEnhancedRequest.builder().


       List<TransactGetResultPage> results = enhancedClient.transactGetItems(
           r -> r.addGetItem(firstItemTable, i -> i.key(k -> k.partitionValue(0)))
                 .addGetItem(firstItemTable, i -> i.key(k -> k.partitionValue(1)))
                 .addGetItem(firstItemTable, i -> i.key(k -> k.partitionValue(2)))
                 .addGetItem(secondItemTable, i -> i.key(k -> k.partitionValue(0))));
       MyItem item = results.get(3).getItem(secondItemTable);

      See DynamoDbClient.transactGetItems(Consumer) to learn more about TransactGetItems.

      Specified by:
      transactGetItems in interface DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      requestConsumer - a Consumer of TransactGetItemsEnhancedRequest containing keys with table references.
      a list of Document with the results.
    • transactWriteItems

      public Void transactWriteItems(TransactWriteItemsEnhancedRequest request)
      Description copied from interface: DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      Writes and/or modifies multiple items from one or more tables in a single atomic transaction. TransactGetItem is a composite operation where the request contains a set of action requests, each containing a table reference and one of the following requests:

      The additional configuration parameters that the enhanced client supports are defined in the TransactWriteItemsEnhancedRequest.

      DynamoDb will reject a call to TransactWriteItems if the call exceeds limits such as provisioned throughput or allowed size of items, if the request contains errors or if there are conflicting operations accessing the same item. If the request contains condition checks that aren't met, this will also cause rejection.

      This operation calls the low-level DynamoDB API TransactWriteItems operation. Consult the TransactWriteItems documentation for further details and constraints, current limits of data to write and/or delete and under which conditions the operation will fail.


       result = enhancedClient.transactWriteItems(
                                            .addPutItem(firstItemTable, PutItemEnhancedRequest.builder().item(item1).build())
                                            .addDeleteItem(firstItemTable, DeleteItemEnhancedRequest.builder().key(key2).build())
      See DynamoDbClient.transactWriteItems(Consumer) to learn more about TransactWriteItems.
      Specified by:
      transactWriteItems in interface DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      request - A BatchWriteItemEnhancedRequest containing keys grouped by tables.
    • transactWriteItems

      public Void transactWriteItems(Consumer<TransactWriteItemsEnhancedRequest.Builder> requestConsumer)
      Description copied from interface: DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      Writes and/or modifies multiple items from one or more tables in a single atomic transaction. TransactGetItem is a composite operation where the request contains a set of action requests, each containing a table reference and one of the following requests:

      The additional configuration parameters that the enhanced client supports are defined in the TransactWriteItemsEnhancedRequest.

      DynamoDb will reject a call to TransactWriteItems if the call exceeds limits such as provisioned throughput or allowed size of items, if the request contains errors or if there are conflicting operations accessing the same item. If the request contains condition checks that aren't met, this will also cause rejection.

      This operation calls the low-level DynamoDB API TransactWriteItems operation. Consult the TransactWriteItems documentation for further details and constraints, current limits of data to write and/or delete and under which conditions the operation will fail.

      Note: This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the request builder avoiding the need to create one manually via TransactWriteItemsEnhancedRequest.builder().


       result = enhancedClient.transactWriteItems(r -> r.addPutItem(firstItemTable, i -> i.item(item1))
                                                        .addDeleteItem(firstItemTable, i -> i.key(k -> k.partitionValue(2)))
                                                                       i -> i.key(key3).conditionExpression(conditionExpression))
                                                        .addUpdateItem(secondItemTable, i -> i.item(item4)));
      See DynamoDbClient.transactWriteItems(Consumer) to learn more about TransactWriteItems.
      Specified by:
      transactWriteItems in interface DynamoDbEnhancedClient
      requestConsumer - a Consumer of TransactWriteItemsEnhancedRequest containing keys and items grouped by tables.
    • dynamoDbClient

      public DynamoDbClient dynamoDbClient()
    • mapperExtension

      public DynamoDbEnhancedClientExtension mapperExtension()
    • toBuilder

    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object