
@ThreadSafe public final class Key extends Object
An object that represents a key that can be used to either identify a specific record or form part of a query conditional. Keys are literal and hence not typed, and can be re-used in commands for different modelled types if the literal values are to be the same.

A key will always have a single partition key value associated with it, and optionally will have a sort key value. The names of the keys themselves are not part of this object.

  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static Key.Builder builder()
      Returns a new builder that can be used to construct an instance of this class.
      A newly initialized Key.Builder object.
    • keyMap

      public Map<String,AttributeValue> keyMap(TableSchema<?> tableSchema, String index)
      Return a map of the key elements that can be passed directly to DynamoDb.
      tableSchema - A tableschema to determine the key attribute names from.
      index - The name of the index to use when determining the key attribute names.
      A map of attribute names to AttributeValue.
    • partitionKeyValue

      public AttributeValue partitionKeyValue()
      Get the literal value of the partition key stored in this object.
      An AttributeValue representing the literal value of the partition key.
    • sortKeyValue

      public Optional<AttributeValue> sortKeyValue()
      Get the literal value of the sort key stored in this object if available.
      An optional AttributeValue representing the literal value of the sort key, or empty if there is no sort key value in this Key.
    • primaryKeyMap

      public Map<String,AttributeValue> primaryKeyMap(TableSchema<?> tableSchema)
      Return a map of the key elements that form the primary key of a table that can be passed directly to DynamoDb.
      tableSchema - A tableschema to determine the key attribute names from.
      A map of attribute names to AttributeValue.
    • toBuilder

      public Key.Builder toBuilder()
      Converts an existing key into a builder object that can be used to modify its values and then create a new key.
      A Key.Builder initialized with the values of this key.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object