Class S3AccessPointBuilder


public class S3AccessPointBuilder extends Object
This class is used to construct an endpoint host for an S3 access point.
  • Constructor Details

    • S3AccessPointBuilder

      public S3AccessPointBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static S3AccessPointBuilder create()
      Create a new instance of this builder class.
    • endpointOverride

      public S3AccessPointBuilder endpointOverride(URI endpointOverride)
      The endpoint override configured on the client (null if no endpoint override was set).
    • dualstackEnabled

      public S3AccessPointBuilder dualstackEnabled(Boolean dualstackEnabled)
      Enable DualStack endpoint.
    • fipsEnabled

      public S3AccessPointBuilder fipsEnabled(Boolean fipsEnabled)
      Enable fips in endpoint.
    • accessPointName

      public S3AccessPointBuilder accessPointName(String accessPointName)
      The S3 Access Point name.
    • region

      public S3AccessPointBuilder region(String region)
      The AWS region hosting the Access Point.
    • accountId

      public S3AccessPointBuilder accountId(String accountId)
      The ID of the AWS Account the Access Point is associated with.
    • protocol

      public S3AccessPointBuilder protocol(String protocol)
      The protocol to be used with the endpoint URI.
    • domain

      public S3AccessPointBuilder domain(String domain)
      The TLD for the access point.
    • toUri

      public URI toUri()
      Generate an endpoint URI with no path that maps to the Access Point information stored in this builder.