Interface DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
AwsResponse.Builder, Buildable, CopyableBuilder<DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder,DescribeClassificationJobResponse>, Macie2Response.Builder, SdkBuilder<DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder,DescribeClassificationJobResponse>, SdkPojo, SdkResponse.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder extends Macie2Response.Builder, SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder,DescribeClassificationJobResponse>
  • Method Details

    • allowListIds

      An array of unique identifiers, one for each allow list that the job uses when it analyzes data.

      allowListIds - An array of unique identifiers, one for each allow list that the job uses when it analyzes data.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • allowListIds

      DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder allowListIds(String... allowListIds)

      An array of unique identifiers, one for each allow list that the job uses when it analyzes data.

      allowListIds - An array of unique identifiers, one for each allow list that the job uses when it analyzes data.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • clientToken

      The token that was provided to ensure the idempotency of the request to create the job.

      clientToken - The token that was provided to ensure the idempotency of the request to create the job.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • createdAt

      The date and time, in UTC and extended ISO 8601 format, when the job was created.

      createdAt - The date and time, in UTC and extended ISO 8601 format, when the job was created.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • customDataIdentifierIds

      DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder customDataIdentifierIds(Collection<String> customDataIdentifierIds)

      An array of unique identifiers, one for each custom data identifier that the job uses when it analyzes data. This value is null if the job uses only managed data identifiers to analyze data.

      customDataIdentifierIds - An array of unique identifiers, one for each custom data identifier that the job uses when it analyzes data. This value is null if the job uses only managed data identifiers to analyze data.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • customDataIdentifierIds

      DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder customDataIdentifierIds(String... customDataIdentifierIds)

      An array of unique identifiers, one for each custom data identifier that the job uses when it analyzes data. This value is null if the job uses only managed data identifiers to analyze data.

      customDataIdentifierIds - An array of unique identifiers, one for each custom data identifier that the job uses when it analyzes data. This value is null if the job uses only managed data identifiers to analyze data.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • description

      The custom description of the job.

      description - The custom description of the job.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • initialRun

      For a recurring job, specifies whether you configured the job to analyze all existing, eligible objects immediately after the job was created (true). If you configured the job to analyze only those objects that were created or changed after the job was created and before the job's first scheduled run, this value is false. This value is also false for a one-time job.

      initialRun - For a recurring job, specifies whether you configured the job to analyze all existing, eligible objects immediately after the job was created (true). If you configured the job to analyze only those objects that were created or changed after the job was created and before the job's first scheduled run, this value is false. This value is also false for a one-time job.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • jobArn

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the job.

      jobArn - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the job.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • jobId

      The unique identifier for the job.

      jobId - The unique identifier for the job.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • jobStatus

      The current status of the job. Possible values are:

      • CANCELLED - You cancelled the job or, if it's a one-time job, you paused the job and didn't resume it within 30 days.

      • COMPLETE - For a one-time job, Amazon Macie finished processing the data specified for the job. This value doesn't apply to recurring jobs.

      • IDLE - For a recurring job, the previous scheduled run is complete and the next scheduled run is pending. This value doesn't apply to one-time jobs.

      • PAUSED - Macie started running the job but additional processing would exceed the monthly sensitive data discovery quota for your account or one or more member accounts that the job analyzes data for.

      • RUNNING - For a one-time job, the job is in progress. For a recurring job, a scheduled run is in progress.

      • USER_PAUSED - You paused the job. If you paused the job while it had a status of RUNNING and you don't resume it within 30 days of pausing it, the job or job run will expire and be cancelled, depending on the job's type. To check the expiration date, refer to the UserPausedDetails.jobExpiresAt property.

      jobStatus - The current status of the job. Possible values are:

      • CANCELLED - You cancelled the job or, if it's a one-time job, you paused the job and didn't resume it within 30 days.

      • COMPLETE - For a one-time job, Amazon Macie finished processing the data specified for the job. This value doesn't apply to recurring jobs.

      • IDLE - For a recurring job, the previous scheduled run is complete and the next scheduled run is pending. This value doesn't apply to one-time jobs.

      • PAUSED - Macie started running the job but additional processing would exceed the monthly sensitive data discovery quota for your account or one or more member accounts that the job analyzes data for.

      • RUNNING - For a one-time job, the job is in progress. For a recurring job, a scheduled run is in progress.

      • USER_PAUSED - You paused the job. If you paused the job while it had a status of RUNNING and you don't resume it within 30 days of pausing it, the job or job run will expire and be cancelled, depending on the job's type. To check the expiration date, refer to the UserPausedDetails.jobExpiresAt property.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • jobStatus

      The current status of the job. Possible values are:

      • CANCELLED - You cancelled the job or, if it's a one-time job, you paused the job and didn't resume it within 30 days.

      • COMPLETE - For a one-time job, Amazon Macie finished processing the data specified for the job. This value doesn't apply to recurring jobs.

      • IDLE - For a recurring job, the previous scheduled run is complete and the next scheduled run is pending. This value doesn't apply to one-time jobs.

      • PAUSED - Macie started running the job but additional processing would exceed the monthly sensitive data discovery quota for your account or one or more member accounts that the job analyzes data for.

      • RUNNING - For a one-time job, the job is in progress. For a recurring job, a scheduled run is in progress.

      • USER_PAUSED - You paused the job. If you paused the job while it had a status of RUNNING and you don't resume it within 30 days of pausing it, the job or job run will expire and be cancelled, depending on the job's type. To check the expiration date, refer to the UserPausedDetails.jobExpiresAt property.

      jobStatus - The current status of the job. Possible values are:

      • CANCELLED - You cancelled the job or, if it's a one-time job, you paused the job and didn't resume it within 30 days.

      • COMPLETE - For a one-time job, Amazon Macie finished processing the data specified for the job. This value doesn't apply to recurring jobs.

      • IDLE - For a recurring job, the previous scheduled run is complete and the next scheduled run is pending. This value doesn't apply to one-time jobs.

      • PAUSED - Macie started running the job but additional processing would exceed the monthly sensitive data discovery quota for your account or one or more member accounts that the job analyzes data for.

      • RUNNING - For a one-time job, the job is in progress. For a recurring job, a scheduled run is in progress.

      • USER_PAUSED - You paused the job. If you paused the job while it had a status of RUNNING and you don't resume it within 30 days of pausing it, the job or job run will expire and be cancelled, depending on the job's type. To check the expiration date, refer to the UserPausedDetails.jobExpiresAt property.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • jobType

      The schedule for running the job. Possible values are:

      • ONE_TIME - The job runs only once.

      • SCHEDULED - The job runs on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The scheduleFrequency property indicates the recurrence pattern for the job.

      jobType - The schedule for running the job. Possible values are:

      • ONE_TIME - The job runs only once.

      • SCHEDULED - The job runs on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The scheduleFrequency property indicates the recurrence pattern for the job.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • jobType

      The schedule for running the job. Possible values are:

      • ONE_TIME - The job runs only once.

      • SCHEDULED - The job runs on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The scheduleFrequency property indicates the recurrence pattern for the job.

      jobType - The schedule for running the job. Possible values are:

      • ONE_TIME - The job runs only once.

      • SCHEDULED - The job runs on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The scheduleFrequency property indicates the recurrence pattern for the job.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • lastRunErrorStatus

      DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder lastRunErrorStatus(LastRunErrorStatus lastRunErrorStatus)

      Specifies whether any account- or bucket-level access errors occurred when the job ran. For a recurring job, this value indicates the error status of the job's most recent run.

      lastRunErrorStatus - Specifies whether any account- or bucket-level access errors occurred when the job ran. For a recurring job, this value indicates the error status of the job's most recent run.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • lastRunErrorStatus

      default DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder lastRunErrorStatus(Consumer<LastRunErrorStatus.Builder> lastRunErrorStatus)

      Specifies whether any account- or bucket-level access errors occurred when the job ran. For a recurring job, this value indicates the error status of the job's most recent run.

      This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the LastRunErrorStatus.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via LastRunErrorStatus.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to lastRunErrorStatus(LastRunErrorStatus).

      lastRunErrorStatus - a consumer that will call methods on LastRunErrorStatus.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • lastRunTime

      The date and time, in UTC and extended ISO 8601 format, when the job started. If the job is a recurring job, this value indicates when the most recent run started or, if the job hasn't run yet, when the job was created.

      lastRunTime - The date and time, in UTC and extended ISO 8601 format, when the job started. If the job is a recurring job, this value indicates when the most recent run started or, if the job hasn't run yet, when the job was created.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • managedDataIdentifierIds

      DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder managedDataIdentifierIds(Collection<String> managedDataIdentifierIds)

      An array of unique identifiers, one for each managed data identifier that the job is explicitly configured to include (use) or exclude (not use) when it analyzes data. Inclusion or exclusion depends on the managed data identifier selection type specified for the job (managedDataIdentifierSelector).

      This value is null if the job's managed data identifier selection type is ALL, NONE, or RECOMMENDED.

      managedDataIdentifierIds - An array of unique identifiers, one for each managed data identifier that the job is explicitly configured to include (use) or exclude (not use) when it analyzes data. Inclusion or exclusion depends on the managed data identifier selection type specified for the job (managedDataIdentifierSelector).

      This value is null if the job's managed data identifier selection type is ALL, NONE, or RECOMMENDED.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • managedDataIdentifierIds

      DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder managedDataIdentifierIds(String... managedDataIdentifierIds)

      An array of unique identifiers, one for each managed data identifier that the job is explicitly configured to include (use) or exclude (not use) when it analyzes data. Inclusion or exclusion depends on the managed data identifier selection type specified for the job (managedDataIdentifierSelector).

      This value is null if the job's managed data identifier selection type is ALL, NONE, or RECOMMENDED.

      managedDataIdentifierIds - An array of unique identifiers, one for each managed data identifier that the job is explicitly configured to include (use) or exclude (not use) when it analyzes data. Inclusion or exclusion depends on the managed data identifier selection type specified for the job (managedDataIdentifierSelector).

      This value is null if the job's managed data identifier selection type is ALL, NONE, or RECOMMENDED.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • managedDataIdentifierSelector

      DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder managedDataIdentifierSelector(String managedDataIdentifierSelector)

      The selection type that determines which managed data identifiers the job uses when it analyzes data. Possible values are:

      • ALL - Use all managed data identifiers.

      • EXCLUDE - Use all managed data identifiers except the ones specified by the managedDataIdentifierIds property.

      • INCLUDE - Use only the managed data identifiers specified by the managedDataIdentifierIds property.

      • NONE - Don't use any managed data identifiers. Use only custom data identifiers (customDataIdentifierIds).

      • RECOMMENDED (default) - Use the recommended set of managed data identifiers.

      If this value is null, the job uses the recommended set of managed data identifiers.

      If the job is a recurring job and this value is ALL or EXCLUDE, each job run automatically uses new managed data identifiers that are released. If this value is null or RECOMMENDED for a recurring job, each job run uses all the managed data identifiers that are in the recommended set when the run starts.

      For information about individual managed data identifiers or to determine which ones are in the recommended set, see Using managed data identifiers and Recommended managed data identifiers in the Amazon Macie User Guide.

      managedDataIdentifierSelector - The selection type that determines which managed data identifiers the job uses when it analyzes data. Possible values are:

      • ALL - Use all managed data identifiers.

      • EXCLUDE - Use all managed data identifiers except the ones specified by the managedDataIdentifierIds property.

      • INCLUDE - Use only the managed data identifiers specified by the managedDataIdentifierIds property.

      • NONE - Don't use any managed data identifiers. Use only custom data identifiers (customDataIdentifierIds).

      • RECOMMENDED (default) - Use the recommended set of managed data identifiers.

      If this value is null, the job uses the recommended set of managed data identifiers.

      If the job is a recurring job and this value is ALL or EXCLUDE, each job run automatically uses new managed data identifiers that are released. If this value is null or RECOMMENDED for a recurring job, each job run uses all the managed data identifiers that are in the recommended set when the run starts.

      For information about individual managed data identifiers or to determine which ones are in the recommended set, see Using managed data identifiers and Recommended managed data identifiers in the Amazon Macie User Guide.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • managedDataIdentifierSelector

      DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder managedDataIdentifierSelector(ManagedDataIdentifierSelector managedDataIdentifierSelector)

      The selection type that determines which managed data identifiers the job uses when it analyzes data. Possible values are:

      • ALL - Use all managed data identifiers.

      • EXCLUDE - Use all managed data identifiers except the ones specified by the managedDataIdentifierIds property.

      • INCLUDE - Use only the managed data identifiers specified by the managedDataIdentifierIds property.

      • NONE - Don't use any managed data identifiers. Use only custom data identifiers (customDataIdentifierIds).

      • RECOMMENDED (default) - Use the recommended set of managed data identifiers.

      If this value is null, the job uses the recommended set of managed data identifiers.

      If the job is a recurring job and this value is ALL or EXCLUDE, each job run automatically uses new managed data identifiers that are released. If this value is null or RECOMMENDED for a recurring job, each job run uses all the managed data identifiers that are in the recommended set when the run starts.

      For information about individual managed data identifiers or to determine which ones are in the recommended set, see Using managed data identifiers and Recommended managed data identifiers in the Amazon Macie User Guide.

      managedDataIdentifierSelector - The selection type that determines which managed data identifiers the job uses when it analyzes data. Possible values are:

      • ALL - Use all managed data identifiers.

      • EXCLUDE - Use all managed data identifiers except the ones specified by the managedDataIdentifierIds property.

      • INCLUDE - Use only the managed data identifiers specified by the managedDataIdentifierIds property.

      • NONE - Don't use any managed data identifiers. Use only custom data identifiers (customDataIdentifierIds).

      • RECOMMENDED (default) - Use the recommended set of managed data identifiers.

      If this value is null, the job uses the recommended set of managed data identifiers.

      If the job is a recurring job and this value is ALL or EXCLUDE, each job run automatically uses new managed data identifiers that are released. If this value is null or RECOMMENDED for a recurring job, each job run uses all the managed data identifiers that are in the recommended set when the run starts.

      For information about individual managed data identifiers or to determine which ones are in the recommended set, see Using managed data identifiers and Recommended managed data identifiers in the Amazon Macie User Guide.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • name

      The custom name of the job.

      name - The custom name of the job.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • s3JobDefinition

      The S3 buckets that contain the objects to analyze, and the scope of that analysis.

      s3JobDefinition - The S3 buckets that contain the objects to analyze, and the scope of that analysis.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • s3JobDefinition

      The S3 buckets that contain the objects to analyze, and the scope of that analysis.

      This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the S3JobDefinition.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via S3JobDefinition.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to s3JobDefinition(S3JobDefinition).

      s3JobDefinition - a consumer that will call methods on S3JobDefinition.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • samplingPercentage

      DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder samplingPercentage(Integer samplingPercentage)

      The sampling depth, as a percentage, that determines the percentage of eligible objects that the job analyzes.

      samplingPercentage - The sampling depth, as a percentage, that determines the percentage of eligible objects that the job analyzes.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • scheduleFrequency

      The recurrence pattern for running the job. This value is null if the job is configured to run only once.

      scheduleFrequency - The recurrence pattern for running the job. This value is null if the job is configured to run only once.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • scheduleFrequency

      The recurrence pattern for running the job. This value is null if the job is configured to run only once.

      This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the JobScheduleFrequency.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via JobScheduleFrequency.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to scheduleFrequency(JobScheduleFrequency).

      scheduleFrequency - a consumer that will call methods on JobScheduleFrequency.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • statistics

      The number of times that the job has run and processing statistics for the job's current run.

      statistics - The number of times that the job has run and processing statistics for the job's current run.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • statistics

      The number of times that the job has run and processing statistics for the job's current run.

      This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the Statistics.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via Statistics.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to statistics(Statistics).

      statistics - a consumer that will call methods on Statistics.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • tags

      A map of key-value pairs that specifies which tags (keys and values) are associated with the classification job.

      tags - A map of key-value pairs that specifies which tags (keys and values) are associated with the classification job.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • userPausedDetails

      DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder userPausedDetails(UserPausedDetails userPausedDetails)

      If the current status of the job is USER_PAUSED, specifies when the job was paused and when the job or job run will expire and be cancelled if it isn't resumed. This value is present only if the value for jobStatus is USER_PAUSED.

      userPausedDetails - If the current status of the job is USER_PAUSED, specifies when the job was paused and when the job or job run will expire and be cancelled if it isn't resumed. This value is present only if the value for jobStatus is USER_PAUSED.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • userPausedDetails

      default DescribeClassificationJobResponse.Builder userPausedDetails(Consumer<UserPausedDetails.Builder> userPausedDetails)

      If the current status of the job is USER_PAUSED, specifies when the job was paused and when the job or job run will expire and be cancelled if it isn't resumed. This value is present only if the value for jobStatus is USER_PAUSED.

      This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the UserPausedDetails.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UserPausedDetails.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to userPausedDetails(UserPausedDetails).

      userPausedDetails - a consumer that will call methods on UserPausedDetails.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also: