Interface PostTextResponse.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
AwsResponse.Builder, Buildable, CopyableBuilder<PostTextResponse.Builder,PostTextResponse>, LexRuntimeResponse.Builder, SdkBuilder<PostTextResponse.Builder,PostTextResponse>, SdkPojo, SdkResponse.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface PostTextResponse.Builder extends LexRuntimeResponse.Builder, SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<PostTextResponse.Builder,PostTextResponse>
  • Method Details

    • intentName

      PostTextResponse.Builder intentName(String intentName)

      The current user intent that Amazon Lex is aware of.

      intentName - The current user intent that Amazon Lex is aware of.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • nluIntentConfidence

      PostTextResponse.Builder nluIntentConfidence(IntentConfidence nluIntentConfidence)

      Provides a score that indicates how confident Amazon Lex is that the returned intent is the one that matches the user's intent. The score is between 0.0 and 1.0. For more information, see Confidence Scores.

      The score is a relative score, not an absolute score. The score may change based on improvements to Amazon Lex.

      nluIntentConfidence - Provides a score that indicates how confident Amazon Lex is that the returned intent is the one that matches the user's intent. The score is between 0.0 and 1.0. For more information, see Confidence Scores.

      The score is a relative score, not an absolute score. The score may change based on improvements to Amazon Lex.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • nluIntentConfidence

      default PostTextResponse.Builder nluIntentConfidence(Consumer<IntentConfidence.Builder> nluIntentConfidence)

      Provides a score that indicates how confident Amazon Lex is that the returned intent is the one that matches the user's intent. The score is between 0.0 and 1.0. For more information, see Confidence Scores.

      The score is a relative score, not an absolute score. The score may change based on improvements to Amazon Lex.

      This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the IntentConfidence.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via IntentConfidence.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to nluIntentConfidence(IntentConfidence).

      nluIntentConfidence - a consumer that will call methods on IntentConfidence.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • alternativeIntents

      PostTextResponse.Builder alternativeIntents(Collection<PredictedIntent> alternativeIntents)

      One to four alternative intents that may be applicable to the user's intent.

      Each alternative includes a score that indicates how confident Amazon Lex is that the intent matches the user's intent. The intents are sorted by the confidence score.

      alternativeIntents - One to four alternative intents that may be applicable to the user's intent.

      Each alternative includes a score that indicates how confident Amazon Lex is that the intent matches the user's intent. The intents are sorted by the confidence score.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • alternativeIntents

      PostTextResponse.Builder alternativeIntents(PredictedIntent... alternativeIntents)

      One to four alternative intents that may be applicable to the user's intent.

      Each alternative includes a score that indicates how confident Amazon Lex is that the intent matches the user's intent. The intents are sorted by the confidence score.

      alternativeIntents - One to four alternative intents that may be applicable to the user's intent.

      Each alternative includes a score that indicates how confident Amazon Lex is that the intent matches the user's intent. The intents are sorted by the confidence score.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • alternativeIntents

      PostTextResponse.Builder alternativeIntents(Consumer<PredictedIntent.Builder>... alternativeIntents)

      One to four alternative intents that may be applicable to the user's intent.

      Each alternative includes a score that indicates how confident Amazon Lex is that the intent matches the user's intent. The intents are sorted by the confidence score.

      This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the PredictedIntent.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via PredictedIntent.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to alternativeIntents(List<PredictedIntent>).

      alternativeIntents - a consumer that will call methods on PredictedIntent.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • slots

      The intent slots that Amazon Lex detected from the user input in the conversation.

      Amazon Lex creates a resolution list containing likely values for a slot. The value that it returns is determined by the valueSelectionStrategy selected when the slot type was created or updated. If valueSelectionStrategy is set to ORIGINAL_VALUE, the value provided by the user is returned, if the user value is similar to the slot values. If valueSelectionStrategy is set to TOP_RESOLUTION Amazon Lex returns the first value in the resolution list or, if there is no resolution list, null. If you don't specify a valueSelectionStrategy, the default is ORIGINAL_VALUE.

      slots - The intent slots that Amazon Lex detected from the user input in the conversation.

      Amazon Lex creates a resolution list containing likely values for a slot. The value that it returns is determined by the valueSelectionStrategy selected when the slot type was created or updated. If valueSelectionStrategy is set to ORIGINAL_VALUE, the value provided by the user is returned, if the user value is similar to the slot values. If valueSelectionStrategy is set to TOP_RESOLUTION Amazon Lex returns the first value in the resolution list or, if there is no resolution list, null. If you don't specify a valueSelectionStrategy, the default is ORIGINAL_VALUE.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • sessionAttributes

      PostTextResponse.Builder sessionAttributes(Map<String,String> sessionAttributes)

      A map of key-value pairs representing the session-specific context information.

      sessionAttributes - A map of key-value pairs representing the session-specific context information.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • message

      PostTextResponse.Builder message(String message)

      The message to convey to the user. The message can come from the bot's configuration or from a Lambda function.

      If the intent is not configured with a Lambda function, or if the Lambda function returned Delegate as the dialogAction.type its response, Amazon Lex decides on the next course of action and selects an appropriate message from the bot's configuration based on the current interaction context. For example, if Amazon Lex isn't able to understand user input, it uses a clarification prompt message.

      When you create an intent you can assign messages to groups. When messages are assigned to groups Amazon Lex returns one message from each group in the response. The message field is an escaped JSON string containing the messages. For more information about the structure of the JSON string returned, see msg-prompts-formats.

      If the Lambda function returns a message, Amazon Lex passes it to the client in its response.

      message - The message to convey to the user. The message can come from the bot's configuration or from a Lambda function.

      If the intent is not configured with a Lambda function, or if the Lambda function returned Delegate as the dialogAction.type its response, Amazon Lex decides on the next course of action and selects an appropriate message from the bot's configuration based on the current interaction context. For example, if Amazon Lex isn't able to understand user input, it uses a clarification prompt message.

      When you create an intent you can assign messages to groups. When messages are assigned to groups Amazon Lex returns one message from each group in the response. The message field is an escaped JSON string containing the messages. For more information about the structure of the JSON string returned, see msg-prompts-formats.

      If the Lambda function returns a message, Amazon Lex passes it to the client in its response.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • sentimentResponse

      PostTextResponse.Builder sentimentResponse(SentimentResponse sentimentResponse)

      The sentiment expressed in and utterance.

      When the bot is configured to send utterances to Amazon Comprehend for sentiment analysis, this field contains the result of the analysis.

      sentimentResponse - The sentiment expressed in and utterance.

      When the bot is configured to send utterances to Amazon Comprehend for sentiment analysis, this field contains the result of the analysis.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • sentimentResponse

      default PostTextResponse.Builder sentimentResponse(Consumer<SentimentResponse.Builder> sentimentResponse)

      The sentiment expressed in and utterance.

      When the bot is configured to send utterances to Amazon Comprehend for sentiment analysis, this field contains the result of the analysis.

      This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the SentimentResponse.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via SentimentResponse.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to sentimentResponse(SentimentResponse).

      sentimentResponse - a consumer that will call methods on SentimentResponse.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • messageFormat

      PostTextResponse.Builder messageFormat(String messageFormat)

      The format of the response message. One of the following values:

      • PlainText - The message contains plain UTF-8 text.

      • CustomPayload - The message is a custom format defined by the Lambda function.

      • SSML - The message contains text formatted for voice output.

      • Composite - The message contains an escaped JSON object containing one or more messages from the groups that messages were assigned to when the intent was created.

      messageFormat - The format of the response message. One of the following values:

      • PlainText - The message contains plain UTF-8 text.

      • CustomPayload - The message is a custom format defined by the Lambda function.

      • SSML - The message contains text formatted for voice output.

      • Composite - The message contains an escaped JSON object containing one or more messages from the groups that messages were assigned to when the intent was created.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • messageFormat

      PostTextResponse.Builder messageFormat(MessageFormatType messageFormat)

      The format of the response message. One of the following values:

      • PlainText - The message contains plain UTF-8 text.

      • CustomPayload - The message is a custom format defined by the Lambda function.

      • SSML - The message contains text formatted for voice output.

      • Composite - The message contains an escaped JSON object containing one or more messages from the groups that messages were assigned to when the intent was created.

      messageFormat - The format of the response message. One of the following values:

      • PlainText - The message contains plain UTF-8 text.

      • CustomPayload - The message is a custom format defined by the Lambda function.

      • SSML - The message contains text formatted for voice output.

      • Composite - The message contains an escaped JSON object containing one or more messages from the groups that messages were assigned to when the intent was created.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • dialogState

      PostTextResponse.Builder dialogState(String dialogState)

      Identifies the current state of the user interaction. Amazon Lex returns one of the following values as dialogState. The client can optionally use this information to customize the user interface.

      • ElicitIntent - Amazon Lex wants to elicit user intent.

        For example, a user might utter an intent ("I want to order a pizza"). If Amazon Lex cannot infer the user intent from this utterance, it will return this dialogState.

      • ConfirmIntent - Amazon Lex is expecting a "yes" or "no" response.

        For example, Amazon Lex wants user confirmation before fulfilling an intent.

        Instead of a simple "yes" or "no," a user might respond with additional information. For example, "yes, but make it thick crust pizza" or "no, I want to order a drink". Amazon Lex can process such additional information (in these examples, update the crust type slot value, or change intent from OrderPizza to OrderDrink).

      • ElicitSlot - Amazon Lex is expecting a slot value for the current intent.

        For example, suppose that in the response Amazon Lex sends this message: "What size pizza would you like?". A user might reply with the slot value (e.g., "medium"). The user might also provide additional information in the response (e.g., "medium thick crust pizza"). Amazon Lex can process such additional information appropriately.

      • Fulfilled - Conveys that the Lambda function configured for the intent has successfully fulfilled the intent.

      • ReadyForFulfillment - Conveys that the client has to fulfill the intent.

      • Failed - Conveys that the conversation with the user failed.

        This can happen for various reasons including that the user did not provide an appropriate response to prompts from the service (you can configure how many times Amazon Lex can prompt a user for specific information), or the Lambda function failed to fulfill the intent.

      dialogState - Identifies the current state of the user interaction. Amazon Lex returns one of the following values as dialogState. The client can optionally use this information to customize the user interface.

      • ElicitIntent - Amazon Lex wants to elicit user intent.

        For example, a user might utter an intent ("I want to order a pizza"). If Amazon Lex cannot infer the user intent from this utterance, it will return this dialogState.

      • ConfirmIntent - Amazon Lex is expecting a "yes" or "no" response.

        For example, Amazon Lex wants user confirmation before fulfilling an intent.

        Instead of a simple "yes" or "no," a user might respond with additional information. For example, "yes, but make it thick crust pizza" or "no, I want to order a drink". Amazon Lex can process such additional information (in these examples, update the crust type slot value, or change intent from OrderPizza to OrderDrink).

      • ElicitSlot - Amazon Lex is expecting a slot value for the current intent.

        For example, suppose that in the response Amazon Lex sends this message: "What size pizza would you like?". A user might reply with the slot value (e.g., "medium"). The user might also provide additional information in the response (e.g., "medium thick crust pizza"). Amazon Lex can process such additional information appropriately.

      • Fulfilled - Conveys that the Lambda function configured for the intent has successfully fulfilled the intent.

      • ReadyForFulfillment - Conveys that the client has to fulfill the intent.

      • Failed - Conveys that the conversation with the user failed.

        This can happen for various reasons including that the user did not provide an appropriate response to prompts from the service (you can configure how many times Amazon Lex can prompt a user for specific information), or the Lambda function failed to fulfill the intent.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • dialogState

      PostTextResponse.Builder dialogState(DialogState dialogState)

      Identifies the current state of the user interaction. Amazon Lex returns one of the following values as dialogState. The client can optionally use this information to customize the user interface.

      • ElicitIntent - Amazon Lex wants to elicit user intent.

        For example, a user might utter an intent ("I want to order a pizza"). If Amazon Lex cannot infer the user intent from this utterance, it will return this dialogState.

      • ConfirmIntent - Amazon Lex is expecting a "yes" or "no" response.

        For example, Amazon Lex wants user confirmation before fulfilling an intent.

        Instead of a simple "yes" or "no," a user might respond with additional information. For example, "yes, but make it thick crust pizza" or "no, I want to order a drink". Amazon Lex can process such additional information (in these examples, update the crust type slot value, or change intent from OrderPizza to OrderDrink).

      • ElicitSlot - Amazon Lex is expecting a slot value for the current intent.

        For example, suppose that in the response Amazon Lex sends this message: "What size pizza would you like?". A user might reply with the slot value (e.g., "medium"). The user might also provide additional information in the response (e.g., "medium thick crust pizza"). Amazon Lex can process such additional information appropriately.

      • Fulfilled - Conveys that the Lambda function configured for the intent has successfully fulfilled the intent.

      • ReadyForFulfillment - Conveys that the client has to fulfill the intent.

      • Failed - Conveys that the conversation with the user failed.

        This can happen for various reasons including that the user did not provide an appropriate response to prompts from the service (you can configure how many times Amazon Lex can prompt a user for specific information), or the Lambda function failed to fulfill the intent.

      dialogState - Identifies the current state of the user interaction. Amazon Lex returns one of the following values as dialogState. The client can optionally use this information to customize the user interface.

      • ElicitIntent - Amazon Lex wants to elicit user intent.

        For example, a user might utter an intent ("I want to order a pizza"). If Amazon Lex cannot infer the user intent from this utterance, it will return this dialogState.

      • ConfirmIntent - Amazon Lex is expecting a "yes" or "no" response.

        For example, Amazon Lex wants user confirmation before fulfilling an intent.

        Instead of a simple "yes" or "no," a user might respond with additional information. For example, "yes, but make it thick crust pizza" or "no, I want to order a drink". Amazon Lex can process such additional information (in these examples, update the crust type slot value, or change intent from OrderPizza to OrderDrink).

      • ElicitSlot - Amazon Lex is expecting a slot value for the current intent.

        For example, suppose that in the response Amazon Lex sends this message: "What size pizza would you like?". A user might reply with the slot value (e.g., "medium"). The user might also provide additional information in the response (e.g., "medium thick crust pizza"). Amazon Lex can process such additional information appropriately.

      • Fulfilled - Conveys that the Lambda function configured for the intent has successfully fulfilled the intent.

      • ReadyForFulfillment - Conveys that the client has to fulfill the intent.

      • Failed - Conveys that the conversation with the user failed.

        This can happen for various reasons including that the user did not provide an appropriate response to prompts from the service (you can configure how many times Amazon Lex can prompt a user for specific information), or the Lambda function failed to fulfill the intent.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • slotToElicit

      PostTextResponse.Builder slotToElicit(String slotToElicit)

      If the dialogState value is ElicitSlot, returns the name of the slot for which Amazon Lex is eliciting a value.

      slotToElicit - If the dialogState value is ElicitSlot, returns the name of the slot for which Amazon Lex is eliciting a value.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • responseCard

      PostTextResponse.Builder responseCard(ResponseCard responseCard)

      Represents the options that the user has to respond to the current prompt. Response Card can come from the bot configuration (in the Amazon Lex console, choose the settings button next to a slot) or from a code hook (Lambda function).

      responseCard - Represents the options that the user has to respond to the current prompt. Response Card can come from the bot configuration (in the Amazon Lex console, choose the settings button next to a slot) or from a code hook (Lambda function).
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • responseCard

      default PostTextResponse.Builder responseCard(Consumer<ResponseCard.Builder> responseCard)

      Represents the options that the user has to respond to the current prompt. Response Card can come from the bot configuration (in the Amazon Lex console, choose the settings button next to a slot) or from a code hook (Lambda function).

      This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the ResponseCard.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ResponseCard.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to responseCard(ResponseCard).

      responseCard - a consumer that will call methods on ResponseCard.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • sessionId

      PostTextResponse.Builder sessionId(String sessionId)

      A unique identifier for the session.

      sessionId - A unique identifier for the session.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • botVersion

      PostTextResponse.Builder botVersion(String botVersion)

      The version of the bot that responded to the conversation. You can use this information to help determine if one version of a bot is performing better than another version.

      botVersion - The version of the bot that responded to the conversation. You can use this information to help determine if one version of a bot is performing better than another version.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • activeContexts

      PostTextResponse.Builder activeContexts(Collection<ActiveContext> activeContexts)

      A list of active contexts for the session. A context can be set when an intent is fulfilled or by calling the PostContent, PostText, or PutSession operation.

      You can use a context to control the intents that can follow up an intent, or to modify the operation of your application.

      activeContexts - A list of active contexts for the session. A context can be set when an intent is fulfilled or by calling the PostContent, PostText, or PutSession operation.

      You can use a context to control the intents that can follow up an intent, or to modify the operation of your application.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • activeContexts

      PostTextResponse.Builder activeContexts(ActiveContext... activeContexts)

      A list of active contexts for the session. A context can be set when an intent is fulfilled or by calling the PostContent, PostText, or PutSession operation.

      You can use a context to control the intents that can follow up an intent, or to modify the operation of your application.

      activeContexts - A list of active contexts for the session. A context can be set when an intent is fulfilled or by calling the PostContent, PostText, or PutSession operation.

      You can use a context to control the intents that can follow up an intent, or to modify the operation of your application.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • activeContexts

      PostTextResponse.Builder activeContexts(Consumer<ActiveContext.Builder>... activeContexts)

      A list of active contexts for the session. A context can be set when an intent is fulfilled or by calling the PostContent, PostText, or PutSession operation.

      You can use a context to control the intents that can follow up an intent, or to modify the operation of your application.

      This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the ActiveContext.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ActiveContext.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to activeContexts(List<ActiveContext>).

      activeContexts - a consumer that will call methods on ActiveContext.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also: