Class RecordingGroup

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, SdkPojo, ToCopyableBuilder<RecordingGroup.Builder,RecordingGroup>

@Generated("") public final class RecordingGroup extends Object implements SdkPojo, Serializable, ToCopyableBuilder<RecordingGroup.Builder,RecordingGroup>

Specifies which resource types Config records for configuration changes. By default, Config records configuration changes for all current and future supported resource types in the Amazon Web Services Region where you have enabled Config, excluding the global IAM resource types: IAM users, groups, roles, and customer managed policies.

In the recording group, you specify whether you want to record all supported current and future supported resource types or to include or exclude specific resources types. For a list of supported resource types, see Supported Resource Types in the Config developer guide.

If you don't want Config to record all current and future supported resource types (excluding the global IAM resource types), use one of the following recording strategies:

  1. Record all current and future resource types with exclusions (EXCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES), or

  2. Record specific resource types (INCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES).

If you use the recording strategy to Record all current and future resource types ( ALL_SUPPORTED_RESOURCE_TYPES), you can use the flag includeGlobalResourceTypes to include the global IAM resource types in your recording.

Aurora global clusters are recorded in all enabled Regions

The AWS::RDS::GlobalCluster resource type will be recorded in all supported Config Regions where the configuration recorder is enabled.

If you do not want to record AWS::RDS::GlobalCluster in all enabled Regions, use the EXCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES or INCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES recording strategy.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • allSupported

      public final Boolean allSupported()

      Specifies whether Config records configuration changes for all supported resource types, excluding the global IAM resource types.

      If you set this field to true, when Config adds support for a new resource type, Config starts recording resources of that type automatically.

      If you set this field to true, you cannot enumerate specific resource types to record in the resourceTypes field of RecordingGroup, or to exclude in the resourceTypes field of ExclusionByResourceTypes.

      Region availability

      Check Resource Coverage by Region Availability to see if a resource type is supported in the Amazon Web Services Region where you set up Config.

      Specifies whether Config records configuration changes for all supported resource types, excluding the global IAM resource types.

      If you set this field to true, when Config adds support for a new resource type, Config starts recording resources of that type automatically.

      If you set this field to true, you cannot enumerate specific resource types to record in the resourceTypes field of RecordingGroup, or to exclude in the resourceTypes field of ExclusionByResourceTypes.

      Region availability

      Check Resource Coverage by Region Availability to see if a resource type is supported in the Amazon Web Services Region where you set up Config.

    • includeGlobalResourceTypes

      public final Boolean includeGlobalResourceTypes()

      This option is a bundle which only applies to the global IAM resource types: IAM users, groups, roles, and customer managed policies. These global IAM resource types can only be recorded by Config in Regions where Config was available before February 2022. You cannot be record the global IAM resouce types in Regions supported by Config after February 2022. This list where you cannot record the global IAM resource types includes the following Regions:

      • Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)

      • Asia Pacific (Melbourne)

      • Canada West (Calgary)

      • Europe (Spain)

      • Europe (Zurich)

      • Israel (Tel Aviv)

      • Middle East (UAE)

      Aurora global clusters are recorded in all enabled Regions

      The AWS::RDS::GlobalCluster resource type will be recorded in all supported Config Regions where the configuration recorder is enabled, even if includeGlobalResourceTypes is setfalse. The includeGlobalResourceTypes option is a bundle which only applies to IAM users, groups, roles, and customer managed policies.

      If you do not want to record AWS::RDS::GlobalCluster in all enabled Regions, use one of the following recording strategies:

      1. Record all current and future resource types with exclusions (EXCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES), or

      2. Record specific resource types (INCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES).

      For more information, see Selecting Which Resources are Recorded in the Config developer guide.

      includeGlobalResourceTypes and the exclusion recording strategy

      The includeGlobalResourceTypes field has no impact on the EXCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES recording strategy. This means that the global IAM resource types (IAM users, groups, roles, and customer managed policies) will not be automatically added as exclusions for exclusionByResourceTypes when includeGlobalResourceTypes is set to false.

      The includeGlobalResourceTypes field should only be used to modify the AllSupported field, as the default for the AllSupported field is to record configuration changes for all supported resource types excluding the global IAM resource types. To include the global IAM resource types when AllSupported is set to true, make sure to set includeGlobalResourceTypes to true.

      To exclude the global IAM resource types for the EXCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES recording strategy, you need to manually add them to the resourceTypes field of exclusionByResourceTypes.

      Required and optional fields

      Before you set this field to true, set the allSupported field of RecordingGroup to true. Optionally, you can set the useOnly field of RecordingStrategy to ALL_SUPPORTED_RESOURCE_TYPES.

      Overriding fields

      If you set this field to false but list global IAM resource types in the resourceTypes field of RecordingGroup, Config will still record configuration changes for those specified resource types regardless of if you set the includeGlobalResourceTypes field to false.

      If you do not want to record configuration changes to the global IAM resource types (IAM users, groups, roles, and customer managed policies), make sure to not list them in the resourceTypes field in addition to setting the includeGlobalResourceTypes field to false.

      This option is a bundle which only applies to the global IAM resource types: IAM users, groups, roles, and customer managed policies. These global IAM resource types can only be recorded by Config in Regions where Config was available before February 2022. You cannot be record the global IAM resouce types in Regions supported by Config after February 2022. This list where you cannot record the global IAM resource types includes the following Regions:

      • Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)

      • Asia Pacific (Melbourne)

      • Canada West (Calgary)

      • Europe (Spain)

      • Europe (Zurich)

      • Israel (Tel Aviv)

      • Middle East (UAE)

      Aurora global clusters are recorded in all enabled Regions

      The AWS::RDS::GlobalCluster resource type will be recorded in all supported Config Regions where the configuration recorder is enabled, even if includeGlobalResourceTypes is set false. The includeGlobalResourceTypes option is a bundle which only applies to IAM users, groups, roles, and customer managed policies.

      If you do not want to record AWS::RDS::GlobalCluster in all enabled Regions, use one of the following recording strategies:

      1. Record all current and future resource types with exclusions ( EXCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES), or

      2. Record specific resource types (INCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES).

      For more information, see Selecting Which Resources are Recorded in the Config developer guide.

      includeGlobalResourceTypes and the exclusion recording strategy

      The includeGlobalResourceTypes field has no impact on the EXCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES recording strategy. This means that the global IAM resource types (IAM users, groups, roles, and customer managed policies) will not be automatically added as exclusions for exclusionByResourceTypes when includeGlobalResourceTypes is set to false.

      The includeGlobalResourceTypes field should only be used to modify the AllSupported field, as the default for the AllSupported field is to record configuration changes for all supported resource types excluding the global IAM resource types. To include the global IAM resource types when AllSupported is set to true, make sure to set includeGlobalResourceTypes to true.

      To exclude the global IAM resource types for the EXCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES recording strategy, you need to manually add them to the resourceTypes field of exclusionByResourceTypes.

      Required and optional fields

      Before you set this field to true, set the allSupported field of RecordingGroup to true. Optionally, you can set the useOnly field of RecordingStrategy to ALL_SUPPORTED_RESOURCE_TYPES.

      Overriding fields

      If you set this field to false but list global IAM resource types in the resourceTypes field of RecordingGroup, Config will still record configuration changes for those specified resource types regardless of if you set the includeGlobalResourceTypes field to false.

      If you do not want to record configuration changes to the global IAM resource types (IAM users, groups, roles, and customer managed policies), make sure to not list them in the resourceTypes field in addition to setting the includeGlobalResourceTypes field to false.

    • resourceTypes

      public final List<ResourceType> resourceTypes()

      A comma-separated list that specifies which resource types Config records.

      For a list of valid resourceTypes values, see the Resource Type Value column in Supported Amazon Web Services resource Types in the Config developer guide.

      Required and optional fields

      Optionally, you can set the useOnly field of RecordingStrategy to INCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES.

      To record all configuration changes, set the allSupported field of RecordingGroup to true, and either omit this field or don't specify any resource types in this field. If you set the allSupported field to false and specify values for resourceTypes, when Config adds support for a new type of resource, it will not record resources of that type unless you manually add that type to your recording group.

      Region availability

      Before specifying a resource type for Config to track, check Resource Coverage by Region Availability to see if the resource type is supported in the Amazon Web Services Region where you set up Config. If a resource type is supported by Config in at least one Region, you can enable the recording of that resource type in all Regions supported by Config, even if the specified resource type is not supported in the Amazon Web Services Region where you set up Config.

      Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

      This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasResourceTypes() method.

      A comma-separated list that specifies which resource types Config records.

      For a list of valid resourceTypes values, see the Resource Type Value column in Supported Amazon Web Services resource Types in the Config developer guide.

      Required and optional fields

      Optionally, you can set the useOnly field of RecordingStrategy to INCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES.

      To record all configuration changes, set the allSupported field of RecordingGroup to true, and either omit this field or don't specify any resource types in this field. If you set the allSupported field to false and specify values for resourceTypes, when Config adds support for a new type of resource, it will not record resources of that type unless you manually add that type to your recording group.

      Region availability

      Before specifying a resource type for Config to track, check Resource Coverage by Region Availability to see if the resource type is supported in the Amazon Web Services Region where you set up Config. If a resource type is supported by Config in at least one Region, you can enable the recording of that resource type in all Regions supported by Config, even if the specified resource type is not supported in the Amazon Web Services Region where you set up Config.

    • hasResourceTypes

      public final boolean hasResourceTypes()
      For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the ResourceTypes property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
    • resourceTypesAsStrings

      public final List<String> resourceTypesAsStrings()

      A comma-separated list that specifies which resource types Config records.

      For a list of valid resourceTypes values, see the Resource Type Value column in Supported Amazon Web Services resource Types in the Config developer guide.

      Required and optional fields

      Optionally, you can set the useOnly field of RecordingStrategy to INCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES.

      To record all configuration changes, set the allSupported field of RecordingGroup to true, and either omit this field or don't specify any resource types in this field. If you set the allSupported field to false and specify values for resourceTypes, when Config adds support for a new type of resource, it will not record resources of that type unless you manually add that type to your recording group.

      Region availability

      Before specifying a resource type for Config to track, check Resource Coverage by Region Availability to see if the resource type is supported in the Amazon Web Services Region where you set up Config. If a resource type is supported by Config in at least one Region, you can enable the recording of that resource type in all Regions supported by Config, even if the specified resource type is not supported in the Amazon Web Services Region where you set up Config.

      Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

      This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasResourceTypes() method.

      A comma-separated list that specifies which resource types Config records.

      For a list of valid resourceTypes values, see the Resource Type Value column in Supported Amazon Web Services resource Types in the Config developer guide.

      Required and optional fields

      Optionally, you can set the useOnly field of RecordingStrategy to INCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES.

      To record all configuration changes, set the allSupported field of RecordingGroup to true, and either omit this field or don't specify any resource types in this field. If you set the allSupported field to false and specify values for resourceTypes, when Config adds support for a new type of resource, it will not record resources of that type unless you manually add that type to your recording group.

      Region availability

      Before specifying a resource type for Config to track, check Resource Coverage by Region Availability to see if the resource type is supported in the Amazon Web Services Region where you set up Config. If a resource type is supported by Config in at least one Region, you can enable the recording of that resource type in all Regions supported by Config, even if the specified resource type is not supported in the Amazon Web Services Region where you set up Config.

    • exclusionByResourceTypes

      public final ExclusionByResourceTypes exclusionByResourceTypes()

      An object that specifies how Config excludes resource types from being recorded by the configuration recorder.

      Required fields

      To use this option, you must set the useOnly field of RecordingStrategy to EXCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES.

      An object that specifies how Config excludes resource types from being recorded by the configuration recorder.

      Required fields

      To use this option, you must set the useOnly field of RecordingStrategy to EXCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES.

    • recordingStrategy

      public final RecordingStrategy recordingStrategy()

      An object that specifies the recording strategy for the configuration recorder.

      • If you set the useOnly field of RecordingStrategy to ALL_SUPPORTED_RESOURCE_TYPES, Config records configuration changes for all supported resource types, excluding the global IAM resource types. You also must set the allSupported field of RecordingGroup to true. When Config adds support for a new resource type, Config automatically starts recording resources of that type.

      • If you set the useOnly field of RecordingStrategy to INCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES, Config records configuration changes for only the resource types you specify in the resourceTypes field of RecordingGroup.

      • If you set the useOnly field of RecordingStrategy to EXCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES, Config records configuration changes for all supported resource types except the resource types that you specify to exclude from being recorded in the resourceTypes field of ExclusionByResourceTypes.

      Required and optional fields

      The recordingStrategy field is optional when you set the allSupported field of RecordingGroup to true.

      The recordingStrategy field is optional when you list resource types in the resourceTypes field of RecordingGroup.

      The recordingStrategy field is required if you list resource types to exclude from recording in the resourceTypes field of ExclusionByResourceTypes.

      Overriding fields

      If you choose EXCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES for the recording strategy, the exclusionByResourceTypes field will override other properties in the request.

      For example, even if you set includeGlobalResourceTypes to false, global IAM resource types will still be automatically recorded in this option unless those resource types are specifically listed as exclusions in the resourceTypes field of exclusionByResourceTypes.

      Global resources types and the resource exclusion recording strategy

      By default, if you choose the EXCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES recording strategy, when Config adds support for a new resource type in the Region where you set up the configuration recorder, including global resource types, Config starts recording resources of that type automatically.

      Unless specifically listed as exclusions, AWS::RDS::GlobalCluster will be recorded automatically in all supported Config Regions were the configuration recorder is enabled.

      IAM users, groups, roles, and customer managed policies will be recorded in the Region where you set up the configuration recorder if that is a Region where Config was available before February 2022. You cannot be record the global IAM resouce types in Regions supported by Config after February 2022. This list where you cannot record the global IAM resource types includes the following Regions:

      • Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)

      • Asia Pacific (Melbourne)

      • Canada West (Calgary)

      • Europe (Spain)

      • Europe (Zurich)

      • Israel (Tel Aviv)

      • Middle East (UAE)

      An object that specifies the recording strategy for the configuration recorder.

      • If you set the useOnly field of RecordingStrategy to ALL_SUPPORTED_RESOURCE_TYPES, Config records configuration changes for all supported resource types, excluding the global IAM resource types. You also must set the allSupported field of RecordingGroup to true. When Config adds support for a new resource type, Config automatically starts recording resources of that type.

      • If you set the useOnly field of RecordingStrategy to INCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES, Config records configuration changes for only the resource types you specify in the resourceTypes field of RecordingGroup.

      • If you set the useOnly field of RecordingStrategy to EXCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES, Config records configuration changes for all supported resource types except the resource types that you specify to exclude from being recorded in the resourceTypes field of ExclusionByResourceTypes.

      Required and optional fields

      The recordingStrategy field is optional when you set the allSupported field of RecordingGroup to true.

      The recordingStrategy field is optional when you list resource types in the resourceTypes field of RecordingGroup.

      The recordingStrategy field is required if you list resource types to exclude from recording in the resourceTypes field of ExclusionByResourceTypes.

      Overriding fields

      If you choose EXCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES for the recording strategy, the exclusionByResourceTypes field will override other properties in the request.

      For example, even if you set includeGlobalResourceTypes to false, global IAM resource types will still be automatically recorded in this option unless those resource types are specifically listed as exclusions in the resourceTypes field of exclusionByResourceTypes.

      Global resources types and the resource exclusion recording strategy

      By default, if you choose the EXCLUSION_BY_RESOURCE_TYPES recording strategy, when Config adds support for a new resource type in the Region where you set up the configuration recorder, including global resource types, Config starts recording resources of that type automatically.

      Unless specifically listed as exclusions, AWS::RDS::GlobalCluster will be recorded automatically in all supported Config Regions were the configuration recorder is enabled.

      IAM users, groups, roles, and customer managed policies will be recorded in the Region where you set up the configuration recorder if that is a Region where Config was available before February 2022. You cannot be record the global IAM resouce types in Regions supported by Config after February 2022. This list where you cannot record the global IAM resource types includes the following Regions:

      • Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)

      • Asia Pacific (Melbourne)

      • Canada West (Calgary)

      • Europe (Spain)

      • Europe (Zurich)

      • Israel (Tel Aviv)

      • Middle East (UAE)

    • toBuilder

      public RecordingGroup.Builder toBuilder()
      Description copied from interface: ToCopyableBuilder
      Take this object and create a builder that contains all of the current property values of this object.
      Specified by:
      toBuilder in interface ToCopyableBuilder<RecordingGroup.Builder,RecordingGroup>
      a builder for type T
    • builder

      public static RecordingGroup.Builder builder()
    • serializableBuilderClass

      public static Class<? extends RecordingGroup.Builder> serializableBuilderClass()
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public final boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • equalsBySdkFields

      public final boolean equalsBySdkFields(Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: SdkPojo
      Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one by SDK fields. An SDK field is a modeled, non-inherited field in an SdkPojo class, and is generated based on a service model.

      If an SdkPojo class does not have any inherited fields, equalsBySdkFields and equals are essentially the same.

      Specified by:
      equalsBySdkFields in interface SdkPojo
      obj - the object to be compared with
      true if the other object equals to this object by sdk fields, false otherwise.
    • toString

      public final String toString()
      Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
      toString in class Object
    • getValueForField

      public final <T> Optional<T> getValueForField(String fieldName, Class<T> clazz)
    • sdkFields

      public final List<SdkField<?>> sdkFields()
      Specified by:
      sdkFields in interface SdkPojo
      List of SdkField in this POJO. May be empty list but should never be null.