Interface DescribeStackDriftDetectionStatusResponse.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
AwsResponse.Builder, Buildable, CloudFormationResponse.Builder, CopyableBuilder<DescribeStackDriftDetectionStatusResponse.Builder,DescribeStackDriftDetectionStatusResponse>, SdkBuilder<DescribeStackDriftDetectionStatusResponse.Builder,DescribeStackDriftDetectionStatusResponse>, SdkPojo, SdkResponse.Builder
Enclosing class:

  • Method Details

    • stackId

      The ID of the stack.

      stackId - The ID of the stack.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • stackDriftDetectionId

      DescribeStackDriftDetectionStatusResponse.Builder stackDriftDetectionId(String stackDriftDetectionId)

      The ID of the drift detection results of this operation.

      CloudFormation generates new results, with a new drift detection ID, each time this operation is run. However, the number of reports CloudFormation retains for any given stack, and for how long, may vary.

      stackDriftDetectionId - The ID of the drift detection results of this operation.

      CloudFormation generates new results, with a new drift detection ID, each time this operation is run. However, the number of reports CloudFormation retains for any given stack, and for how long, may vary.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • stackDriftStatus

      DescribeStackDriftDetectionStatusResponse.Builder stackDriftStatus(String stackDriftStatus)

      Status of the stack's actual configuration compared to its expected configuration.

      • DRIFTED: The stack differs from its expected template configuration. A stack is considered to have drifted if one or more of its resources have drifted.

      • NOT_CHECKED: CloudFormation hasn't checked if the stack differs from its expected template configuration.

      • IN_SYNC: The stack's actual configuration matches its expected template configuration.

      • UNKNOWN: This value is reserved for future use.

      stackDriftStatus - Status of the stack's actual configuration compared to its expected configuration.

      • DRIFTED: The stack differs from its expected template configuration. A stack is considered to have drifted if one or more of its resources have drifted.

      • NOT_CHECKED: CloudFormation hasn't checked if the stack differs from its expected template configuration.

      • IN_SYNC: The stack's actual configuration matches its expected template configuration.

      • UNKNOWN: This value is reserved for future use.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • stackDriftStatus

      Status of the stack's actual configuration compared to its expected configuration.

      • DRIFTED: The stack differs from its expected template configuration. A stack is considered to have drifted if one or more of its resources have drifted.

      • NOT_CHECKED: CloudFormation hasn't checked if the stack differs from its expected template configuration.

      • IN_SYNC: The stack's actual configuration matches its expected template configuration.

      • UNKNOWN: This value is reserved for future use.

      stackDriftStatus - Status of the stack's actual configuration compared to its expected configuration.

      • DRIFTED: The stack differs from its expected template configuration. A stack is considered to have drifted if one or more of its resources have drifted.

      • NOT_CHECKED: CloudFormation hasn't checked if the stack differs from its expected template configuration.

      • IN_SYNC: The stack's actual configuration matches its expected template configuration.

      • UNKNOWN: This value is reserved for future use.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • detectionStatus

      The status of the stack drift detection operation.

      • DETECTION_COMPLETE: The stack drift detection operation has successfully completed for all resources in the stack that support drift detection. (Resources that don't currently support stack detection remain unchecked.)

        If you specified logical resource IDs for CloudFormation to use as a filter for the stack drift detection operation, only the resources with those logical IDs are checked for drift.

      • DETECTION_FAILED: The stack drift detection operation has failed for at least one resource in the stack. Results will be available for resources on which CloudFormation successfully completed drift detection.

      • DETECTION_IN_PROGRESS: The stack drift detection operation is currently in progress.

      detectionStatus - The status of the stack drift detection operation.

      • DETECTION_COMPLETE: The stack drift detection operation has successfully completed for all resources in the stack that support drift detection. (Resources that don't currently support stack detection remain unchecked.)

        If you specified logical resource IDs for CloudFormation to use as a filter for the stack drift detection operation, only the resources with those logical IDs are checked for drift.

      • DETECTION_FAILED: The stack drift detection operation has failed for at least one resource in the stack. Results will be available for resources on which CloudFormation successfully completed drift detection.

      • DETECTION_IN_PROGRESS: The stack drift detection operation is currently in progress.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • detectionStatus

      The status of the stack drift detection operation.

      • DETECTION_COMPLETE: The stack drift detection operation has successfully completed for all resources in the stack that support drift detection. (Resources that don't currently support stack detection remain unchecked.)

        If you specified logical resource IDs for CloudFormation to use as a filter for the stack drift detection operation, only the resources with those logical IDs are checked for drift.

      • DETECTION_FAILED: The stack drift detection operation has failed for at least one resource in the stack. Results will be available for resources on which CloudFormation successfully completed drift detection.

      • DETECTION_IN_PROGRESS: The stack drift detection operation is currently in progress.

      detectionStatus - The status of the stack drift detection operation.

      • DETECTION_COMPLETE: The stack drift detection operation has successfully completed for all resources in the stack that support drift detection. (Resources that don't currently support stack detection remain unchecked.)

        If you specified logical resource IDs for CloudFormation to use as a filter for the stack drift detection operation, only the resources with those logical IDs are checked for drift.

      • DETECTION_FAILED: The stack drift detection operation has failed for at least one resource in the stack. Results will be available for resources on which CloudFormation successfully completed drift detection.

      • DETECTION_IN_PROGRESS: The stack drift detection operation is currently in progress.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • detectionStatusReason

      DescribeStackDriftDetectionStatusResponse.Builder detectionStatusReason(String detectionStatusReason)

      The reason the stack drift detection operation has its current status.

      detectionStatusReason - The reason the stack drift detection operation has its current status.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • driftedStackResourceCount

      DescribeStackDriftDetectionStatusResponse.Builder driftedStackResourceCount(Integer driftedStackResourceCount)

      Total number of stack resources that have drifted. This is NULL until the drift detection operation reaches a status of DETECTION_COMPLETE. This value will be 0 for stacks whose drift status is IN_SYNC.

      driftedStackResourceCount - Total number of stack resources that have drifted. This is NULL until the drift detection operation reaches a status of DETECTION_COMPLETE. This value will be 0 for stacks whose drift status is IN_SYNC.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • timestamp

      Time at which the stack drift detection operation was initiated.

      timestamp - Time at which the stack drift detection operation was initiated.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.