Interface AccessAnalyzerAsyncClient

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, AwsClient, SdkAutoCloseable, SdkClient

@Generated("") @ThreadSafe public interface AccessAnalyzerAsyncClient extends AwsClient
Service client for accessing Access Analyzer asynchronously. This can be created using the static builder() method.The asynchronous client performs non-blocking I/O when configured with any
invalid reference
supported in the SDK. However, full non-blocking is not guaranteed as the async client may perform blocking calls in some cases such as credentials retrieval and endpoint discovery as part of the async API call.

Identity and Access Management Access Analyzer helps you to set, verify, and refine your IAM policies by providing a suite of capabilities. Its features include findings for external and unused access, basic and custom policy checks for validating policies, and policy generation to generate fine-grained policies. To start using IAM Access Analyzer to identify external or unused access, you first need to create an analyzer.

External access analyzers help identify potential risks of accessing resources by enabling you to identify any resource policies that grant access to an external principal. It does this by using logic-based reasoning to analyze resource-based policies in your Amazon Web Services environment. An external principal can be another Amazon Web Services account, a root user, an IAM user or role, a federated user, an Amazon Web Services service, or an anonymous user. You can also use IAM Access Analyzer to preview public and cross-account access to your resources before deploying permissions changes.

Unused access analyzers help identify potential identity access risks by enabling you to identify unused IAM roles, unused access keys, unused console passwords, and IAM principals with unused service and action-level permissions.

Beyond findings, IAM Access Analyzer provides basic and custom policy checks to validate IAM policies before deploying permissions changes. You can use policy generation to refine permissions by attaching a policy generated using access activity logged in CloudTrail logs.

This guide describes the IAM Access Analyzer operations that you can call programmatically. For general information about IAM Access Analyzer, see Identity and Access Management Access Analyzer in the IAM User Guide.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • applyArchiveRule

      default CompletableFuture<ApplyArchiveRuleResponse> applyArchiveRule(ApplyArchiveRuleRequest applyArchiveRuleRequest)

      Retroactively applies the archive rule to existing findings that meet the archive rule criteria.

      applyArchiveRuleRequest - Retroactively applies an archive rule.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ApplyArchiveRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • applyArchiveRule

      default CompletableFuture<ApplyArchiveRuleResponse> applyArchiveRule(Consumer<ApplyArchiveRuleRequest.Builder> applyArchiveRuleRequest)

      Retroactively applies the archive rule to existing findings that meet the archive rule criteria.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ApplyArchiveRuleRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ApplyArchiveRuleRequest.builder()

      applyArchiveRuleRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ApplyArchiveRuleRequest.Builder to create a request. Retroactively applies an archive rule.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ApplyArchiveRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • cancelPolicyGeneration

      default CompletableFuture<CancelPolicyGenerationResponse> cancelPolicyGeneration(CancelPolicyGenerationRequest cancelPolicyGenerationRequest)

      Cancels the requested policy generation.

      cancelPolicyGenerationRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CancelPolicyGeneration operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • cancelPolicyGeneration

      default CompletableFuture<CancelPolicyGenerationResponse> cancelPolicyGeneration(Consumer<CancelPolicyGenerationRequest.Builder> cancelPolicyGenerationRequest)

      Cancels the requested policy generation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CancelPolicyGenerationRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CancelPolicyGenerationRequest.builder()

      cancelPolicyGenerationRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CancelPolicyGenerationRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CancelPolicyGeneration operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • checkAccessNotGranted

      default CompletableFuture<CheckAccessNotGrantedResponse> checkAccessNotGranted(CheckAccessNotGrantedRequest checkAccessNotGrantedRequest)

      Checks whether the specified access isn't allowed by a policy.

      checkAccessNotGrantedRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CheckAccessNotGranted operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • InvalidParameterException The specified parameter is invalid.
      • UnprocessableEntityException The specified entity could not be processed.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • checkAccessNotGranted

      default CompletableFuture<CheckAccessNotGrantedResponse> checkAccessNotGranted(Consumer<CheckAccessNotGrantedRequest.Builder> checkAccessNotGrantedRequest)

      Checks whether the specified access isn't allowed by a policy.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CheckAccessNotGrantedRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CheckAccessNotGrantedRequest.builder()

      checkAccessNotGrantedRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CheckAccessNotGrantedRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CheckAccessNotGranted operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • InvalidParameterException The specified parameter is invalid.
      • UnprocessableEntityException The specified entity could not be processed.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • checkNoNewAccess

      default CompletableFuture<CheckNoNewAccessResponse> checkNoNewAccess(CheckNoNewAccessRequest checkNoNewAccessRequest)

      Checks whether new access is allowed for an updated policy when compared to the existing policy.

      You can find examples for reference policies and learn how to set up and run a custom policy check for new access in the IAM Access Analyzer custom policy checks samples repository on GitHub. The reference policies in this repository are meant to be passed to the existingPolicyDocument request parameter.

      checkNoNewAccessRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CheckNoNewAccess operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • InvalidParameterException The specified parameter is invalid.
      • UnprocessableEntityException The specified entity could not be processed.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • checkNoNewAccess

      default CompletableFuture<CheckNoNewAccessResponse> checkNoNewAccess(Consumer<CheckNoNewAccessRequest.Builder> checkNoNewAccessRequest)

      Checks whether new access is allowed for an updated policy when compared to the existing policy.

      You can find examples for reference policies and learn how to set up and run a custom policy check for new access in the IAM Access Analyzer custom policy checks samples repository on GitHub. The reference policies in this repository are meant to be passed to the existingPolicyDocument request parameter.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CheckNoNewAccessRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CheckNoNewAccessRequest.builder()

      checkNoNewAccessRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CheckNoNewAccessRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CheckNoNewAccess operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • InvalidParameterException The specified parameter is invalid.
      • UnprocessableEntityException The specified entity could not be processed.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createAccessPreview

      default CompletableFuture<CreateAccessPreviewResponse> createAccessPreview(CreateAccessPreviewRequest createAccessPreviewRequest)

      Creates an access preview that allows you to preview IAM Access Analyzer findings for your resource before deploying resource permissions.

      createAccessPreviewRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateAccessPreview operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ConflictException A conflict exception error.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ServiceQuotaExceededException Service quote met error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createAccessPreview

      default CompletableFuture<CreateAccessPreviewResponse> createAccessPreview(Consumer<CreateAccessPreviewRequest.Builder> createAccessPreviewRequest)

      Creates an access preview that allows you to preview IAM Access Analyzer findings for your resource before deploying resource permissions.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateAccessPreviewRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateAccessPreviewRequest.builder()

      createAccessPreviewRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateAccessPreviewRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateAccessPreview operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ConflictException A conflict exception error.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ServiceQuotaExceededException Service quote met error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createAnalyzer

      default CompletableFuture<CreateAnalyzerResponse> createAnalyzer(CreateAnalyzerRequest createAnalyzerRequest)

      Creates an analyzer for your account.

      createAnalyzerRequest - Creates an analyzer.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateAnalyzer operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ConflictException A conflict exception error.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ServiceQuotaExceededException Service quote met error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createAnalyzer

      default CompletableFuture<CreateAnalyzerResponse> createAnalyzer(Consumer<CreateAnalyzerRequest.Builder> createAnalyzerRequest)

      Creates an analyzer for your account.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateAnalyzerRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateAnalyzerRequest.builder()

      createAnalyzerRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateAnalyzerRequest.Builder to create a request. Creates an analyzer.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateAnalyzer operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ConflictException A conflict exception error.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ServiceQuotaExceededException Service quote met error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createArchiveRule

      default CompletableFuture<CreateArchiveRuleResponse> createArchiveRule(CreateArchiveRuleRequest createArchiveRuleRequest)

      Creates an archive rule for the specified analyzer. Archive rules automatically archive new findings that meet the criteria you define when you create the rule.

      To learn about filter keys that you can use to create an archive rule, see IAM Access Analyzer filter keys in the IAM User Guide.

      createArchiveRuleRequest - Creates an archive rule.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateArchiveRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ConflictException A conflict exception error.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ServiceQuotaExceededException Service quote met error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createArchiveRule

      default CompletableFuture<CreateArchiveRuleResponse> createArchiveRule(Consumer<CreateArchiveRuleRequest.Builder> createArchiveRuleRequest)

      Creates an archive rule for the specified analyzer. Archive rules automatically archive new findings that meet the criteria you define when you create the rule.

      To learn about filter keys that you can use to create an archive rule, see IAM Access Analyzer filter keys in the IAM User Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateArchiveRuleRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateArchiveRuleRequest.builder()

      createArchiveRuleRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateArchiveRuleRequest.Builder to create a request. Creates an archive rule.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateArchiveRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ConflictException A conflict exception error.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ServiceQuotaExceededException Service quote met error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteAnalyzer

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteAnalyzerResponse> deleteAnalyzer(DeleteAnalyzerRequest deleteAnalyzerRequest)

      Deletes the specified analyzer. When you delete an analyzer, IAM Access Analyzer is disabled for the account or organization in the current or specific Region. All findings that were generated by the analyzer are deleted. You cannot undo this action.

      deleteAnalyzerRequest - Deletes an analyzer.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteAnalyzer operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteAnalyzer

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteAnalyzerResponse> deleteAnalyzer(Consumer<DeleteAnalyzerRequest.Builder> deleteAnalyzerRequest)

      Deletes the specified analyzer. When you delete an analyzer, IAM Access Analyzer is disabled for the account or organization in the current or specific Region. All findings that were generated by the analyzer are deleted. You cannot undo this action.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteAnalyzerRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteAnalyzerRequest.builder()

      deleteAnalyzerRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteAnalyzerRequest.Builder to create a request. Deletes an analyzer.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteAnalyzer operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteArchiveRule

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteArchiveRuleResponse> deleteArchiveRule(DeleteArchiveRuleRequest deleteArchiveRuleRequest)

      Deletes the specified archive rule.

      deleteArchiveRuleRequest - Deletes an archive rule.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteArchiveRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteArchiveRule

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteArchiveRuleResponse> deleteArchiveRule(Consumer<DeleteArchiveRuleRequest.Builder> deleteArchiveRuleRequest)

      Deletes the specified archive rule.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteArchiveRuleRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteArchiveRuleRequest.builder()

      deleteArchiveRuleRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteArchiveRuleRequest.Builder to create a request. Deletes an archive rule.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteArchiveRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getAccessPreview

      default CompletableFuture<GetAccessPreviewResponse> getAccessPreview(GetAccessPreviewRequest getAccessPreviewRequest)

      Retrieves information about an access preview for the specified analyzer.

      getAccessPreviewRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetAccessPreview operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getAccessPreview

      default CompletableFuture<GetAccessPreviewResponse> getAccessPreview(Consumer<GetAccessPreviewRequest.Builder> getAccessPreviewRequest)

      Retrieves information about an access preview for the specified analyzer.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetAccessPreviewRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetAccessPreviewRequest.builder()

      getAccessPreviewRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetAccessPreviewRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetAccessPreview operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getAnalyzedResource

      default CompletableFuture<GetAnalyzedResourceResponse> getAnalyzedResource(GetAnalyzedResourceRequest getAnalyzedResourceRequest)

      Retrieves information about a resource that was analyzed.

      getAnalyzedResourceRequest - Retrieves an analyzed resource.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetAnalyzedResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getAnalyzedResource

      default CompletableFuture<GetAnalyzedResourceResponse> getAnalyzedResource(Consumer<GetAnalyzedResourceRequest.Builder> getAnalyzedResourceRequest)

      Retrieves information about a resource that was analyzed.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetAnalyzedResourceRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetAnalyzedResourceRequest.builder()

      getAnalyzedResourceRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetAnalyzedResourceRequest.Builder to create a request. Retrieves an analyzed resource.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetAnalyzedResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getAnalyzer

      default CompletableFuture<GetAnalyzerResponse> getAnalyzer(GetAnalyzerRequest getAnalyzerRequest)

      Retrieves information about the specified analyzer.

      getAnalyzerRequest - Retrieves an analyzer.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetAnalyzer operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getAnalyzer

      default CompletableFuture<GetAnalyzerResponse> getAnalyzer(Consumer<GetAnalyzerRequest.Builder> getAnalyzerRequest)

      Retrieves information about the specified analyzer.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetAnalyzerRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetAnalyzerRequest.builder()

      getAnalyzerRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetAnalyzerRequest.Builder to create a request. Retrieves an analyzer.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetAnalyzer operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getArchiveRule

      default CompletableFuture<GetArchiveRuleResponse> getArchiveRule(GetArchiveRuleRequest getArchiveRuleRequest)

      Retrieves information about an archive rule.

      To learn about filter keys that you can use to create an archive rule, see IAM Access Analyzer filter keys in the IAM User Guide.

      getArchiveRuleRequest - Retrieves an archive rule.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetArchiveRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getArchiveRule

      default CompletableFuture<GetArchiveRuleResponse> getArchiveRule(Consumer<GetArchiveRuleRequest.Builder> getArchiveRuleRequest)

      Retrieves information about an archive rule.

      To learn about filter keys that you can use to create an archive rule, see IAM Access Analyzer filter keys in the IAM User Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetArchiveRuleRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetArchiveRuleRequest.builder()

      getArchiveRuleRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetArchiveRuleRequest.Builder to create a request. Retrieves an archive rule.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetArchiveRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getFinding

      default CompletableFuture<GetFindingResponse> getFinding(GetFindingRequest getFindingRequest)

      Retrieves information about the specified finding. GetFinding and GetFindingV2 both use access-analyzer:GetFinding in the Action element of an IAM policy statement. You must have permission to perform the access-analyzer:GetFinding action.

      getFindingRequest - Retrieves a finding.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetFinding operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getFinding

      default CompletableFuture<GetFindingResponse> getFinding(Consumer<GetFindingRequest.Builder> getFindingRequest)

      Retrieves information about the specified finding. GetFinding and GetFindingV2 both use access-analyzer:GetFinding in the Action element of an IAM policy statement. You must have permission to perform the access-analyzer:GetFinding action.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetFindingRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetFindingRequest.builder()

      getFindingRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetFindingRequest.Builder to create a request. Retrieves a finding.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetFinding operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getFindingV2

      default CompletableFuture<GetFindingV2Response> getFindingV2(GetFindingV2Request getFindingV2Request)

      Retrieves information about the specified finding. GetFinding and GetFindingV2 both use access-analyzer:GetFinding in the Action element of an IAM policy statement. You must have permission to perform the access-analyzer:GetFinding action.

      getFindingV2Request -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetFindingV2 operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getFindingV2

      default CompletableFuture<GetFindingV2Response> getFindingV2(Consumer<GetFindingV2Request.Builder> getFindingV2Request)

      Retrieves information about the specified finding. GetFinding and GetFindingV2 both use access-analyzer:GetFinding in the Action element of an IAM policy statement. You must have permission to perform the access-analyzer:GetFinding action.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetFindingV2Request.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetFindingV2Request.builder()

      getFindingV2Request - A Consumer that will call methods on GetFindingV2Request.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetFindingV2 operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getFindingV2Paginator

      default GetFindingV2Publisher getFindingV2Paginator(GetFindingV2Request getFindingV2Request)

      This is a variant of getFindingV2( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.getFindingV2Paginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.getFindingV2Paginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the getFindingV2( operation.

      getFindingV2Request -
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getFindingV2Paginator

      default GetFindingV2Publisher getFindingV2Paginator(Consumer<GetFindingV2Request.Builder> getFindingV2Request)

      This is a variant of getFindingV2( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.getFindingV2Paginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.getFindingV2Paginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the getFindingV2( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetFindingV2Request.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetFindingV2Request.builder()

      getFindingV2Request - A Consumer that will call methods on GetFindingV2Request.Builder to create a request.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getGeneratedPolicy

      default CompletableFuture<GetGeneratedPolicyResponse> getGeneratedPolicy(GetGeneratedPolicyRequest getGeneratedPolicyRequest)

      Retrieves the policy that was generated using StartPolicyGeneration.

      getGeneratedPolicyRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetGeneratedPolicy operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getGeneratedPolicy

      default CompletableFuture<GetGeneratedPolicyResponse> getGeneratedPolicy(Consumer<GetGeneratedPolicyRequest.Builder> getGeneratedPolicyRequest)

      Retrieves the policy that was generated using StartPolicyGeneration.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetGeneratedPolicyRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetGeneratedPolicyRequest.builder()

      getGeneratedPolicyRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetGeneratedPolicyRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetGeneratedPolicy operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listAccessPreviewFindings

      default CompletableFuture<ListAccessPreviewFindingsResponse> listAccessPreviewFindings(ListAccessPreviewFindingsRequest listAccessPreviewFindingsRequest)

      Retrieves a list of access preview findings generated by the specified access preview.

      listAccessPreviewFindingsRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListAccessPreviewFindings operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ConflictException A conflict exception error.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listAccessPreviewFindings

      default CompletableFuture<ListAccessPreviewFindingsResponse> listAccessPreviewFindings(Consumer<ListAccessPreviewFindingsRequest.Builder> listAccessPreviewFindingsRequest)

      Retrieves a list of access preview findings generated by the specified access preview.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListAccessPreviewFindingsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListAccessPreviewFindingsRequest.builder()

      listAccessPreviewFindingsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListAccessPreviewFindingsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListAccessPreviewFindings operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ConflictException A conflict exception error.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listAccessPreviewFindingsPaginator

      default ListAccessPreviewFindingsPublisher listAccessPreviewFindingsPaginator(ListAccessPreviewFindingsRequest listAccessPreviewFindingsRequest)

      This is a variant of listAccessPreviewFindings( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.listAccessPreviewFindingsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.listAccessPreviewFindingsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the listAccessPreviewFindings( operation.

      listAccessPreviewFindingsRequest -
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ConflictException A conflict exception error.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listAccessPreviewFindingsPaginator

      default ListAccessPreviewFindingsPublisher listAccessPreviewFindingsPaginator(Consumer<ListAccessPreviewFindingsRequest.Builder> listAccessPreviewFindingsRequest)

      This is a variant of listAccessPreviewFindings( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.listAccessPreviewFindingsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.listAccessPreviewFindingsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the listAccessPreviewFindings( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListAccessPreviewFindingsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListAccessPreviewFindingsRequest.builder()

      listAccessPreviewFindingsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListAccessPreviewFindingsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ConflictException A conflict exception error.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listAccessPreviews

      default CompletableFuture<ListAccessPreviewsResponse> listAccessPreviews(ListAccessPreviewsRequest listAccessPreviewsRequest)

      Retrieves a list of access previews for the specified analyzer.

      listAccessPreviewsRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListAccessPreviews operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listAccessPreviews

      default CompletableFuture<ListAccessPreviewsResponse> listAccessPreviews(Consumer<ListAccessPreviewsRequest.Builder> listAccessPreviewsRequest)

      Retrieves a list of access previews for the specified analyzer.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListAccessPreviewsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListAccessPreviewsRequest.builder()

      listAccessPreviewsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListAccessPreviewsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListAccessPreviews operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listAccessPreviewsPaginator

      default ListAccessPreviewsPublisher listAccessPreviewsPaginator(ListAccessPreviewsRequest listAccessPreviewsRequest)

      This is a variant of listAccessPreviews( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.listAccessPreviewsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.listAccessPreviewsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the listAccessPreviews( operation.

      listAccessPreviewsRequest -
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listAccessPreviewsPaginator

      default ListAccessPreviewsPublisher listAccessPreviewsPaginator(Consumer<ListAccessPreviewsRequest.Builder> listAccessPreviewsRequest)

      This is a variant of listAccessPreviews( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.listAccessPreviewsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.listAccessPreviewsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the listAccessPreviews( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListAccessPreviewsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListAccessPreviewsRequest.builder()

      listAccessPreviewsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListAccessPreviewsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listAnalyzedResources

      default CompletableFuture<ListAnalyzedResourcesResponse> listAnalyzedResources(ListAnalyzedResourcesRequest listAnalyzedResourcesRequest)

      Retrieves a list of resources of the specified type that have been analyzed by the specified external access analyzer. This action is not supported for unused access analyzers.

      listAnalyzedResourcesRequest - Retrieves a list of resources that have been analyzed.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListAnalyzedResources operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listAnalyzedResources

      default CompletableFuture<ListAnalyzedResourcesResponse> listAnalyzedResources(Consumer<ListAnalyzedResourcesRequest.Builder> listAnalyzedResourcesRequest)

      Retrieves a list of resources of the specified type that have been analyzed by the specified external access analyzer. This action is not supported for unused access analyzers.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListAnalyzedResourcesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListAnalyzedResourcesRequest.builder()

      listAnalyzedResourcesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListAnalyzedResourcesRequest.Builder to create a request. Retrieves a list of resources that have been analyzed.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListAnalyzedResources operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listAnalyzedResourcesPaginator

      default ListAnalyzedResourcesPublisher listAnalyzedResourcesPaginator(ListAnalyzedResourcesRequest listAnalyzedResourcesRequest)

      This is a variant of listAnalyzedResources( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.listAnalyzedResourcesPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.listAnalyzedResourcesPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the listAnalyzedResources( operation.

      listAnalyzedResourcesRequest - Retrieves a list of resources that have been analyzed.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listAnalyzedResourcesPaginator

      default ListAnalyzedResourcesPublisher listAnalyzedResourcesPaginator(Consumer<ListAnalyzedResourcesRequest.Builder> listAnalyzedResourcesRequest)

      This is a variant of listAnalyzedResources( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.listAnalyzedResourcesPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.listAnalyzedResourcesPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the listAnalyzedResources( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListAnalyzedResourcesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListAnalyzedResourcesRequest.builder()

      listAnalyzedResourcesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListAnalyzedResourcesRequest.Builder to create a request. Retrieves a list of resources that have been analyzed.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listAnalyzers

      default CompletableFuture<ListAnalyzersResponse> listAnalyzers(ListAnalyzersRequest listAnalyzersRequest)

      Retrieves a list of analyzers.

      listAnalyzersRequest - Retrieves a list of analyzers.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListAnalyzers operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listAnalyzers

      default CompletableFuture<ListAnalyzersResponse> listAnalyzers(Consumer<ListAnalyzersRequest.Builder> listAnalyzersRequest)

      Retrieves a list of analyzers.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListAnalyzersRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListAnalyzersRequest.builder()

      listAnalyzersRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListAnalyzersRequest.Builder to create a request. Retrieves a list of analyzers.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListAnalyzers operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listAnalyzersPaginator

      default ListAnalyzersPublisher listAnalyzersPaginator(ListAnalyzersRequest listAnalyzersRequest)

      This is a variant of listAnalyzers( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.listAnalyzersPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.listAnalyzersPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the listAnalyzers( operation.

      listAnalyzersRequest - Retrieves a list of analyzers.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listAnalyzersPaginator

      default ListAnalyzersPublisher listAnalyzersPaginator(Consumer<ListAnalyzersRequest.Builder> listAnalyzersRequest)

      This is a variant of listAnalyzers( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.listAnalyzersPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.listAnalyzersPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the listAnalyzers( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListAnalyzersRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListAnalyzersRequest.builder()

      listAnalyzersRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListAnalyzersRequest.Builder to create a request. Retrieves a list of analyzers.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listArchiveRules

      default CompletableFuture<ListArchiveRulesResponse> listArchiveRules(ListArchiveRulesRequest listArchiveRulesRequest)

      Retrieves a list of archive rules created for the specified analyzer.

      listArchiveRulesRequest - Retrieves a list of archive rules created for the specified analyzer.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListArchiveRules operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listArchiveRules

      default CompletableFuture<ListArchiveRulesResponse> listArchiveRules(Consumer<ListArchiveRulesRequest.Builder> listArchiveRulesRequest)

      Retrieves a list of archive rules created for the specified analyzer.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListArchiveRulesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListArchiveRulesRequest.builder()

      listArchiveRulesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListArchiveRulesRequest.Builder to create a request. Retrieves a list of archive rules created for the specified analyzer.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListArchiveRules operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listArchiveRulesPaginator

      default ListArchiveRulesPublisher listArchiveRulesPaginator(ListArchiveRulesRequest listArchiveRulesRequest)

      This is a variant of listArchiveRules( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.listArchiveRulesPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.listArchiveRulesPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the listArchiveRules( operation.

      listArchiveRulesRequest - Retrieves a list of archive rules created for the specified analyzer.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listArchiveRulesPaginator

      default ListArchiveRulesPublisher listArchiveRulesPaginator(Consumer<ListArchiveRulesRequest.Builder> listArchiveRulesRequest)

      This is a variant of listArchiveRules( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.listArchiveRulesPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.listArchiveRulesPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the listArchiveRules( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListArchiveRulesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListArchiveRulesRequest.builder()

      listArchiveRulesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListArchiveRulesRequest.Builder to create a request. Retrieves a list of archive rules created for the specified analyzer.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listFindings

      default CompletableFuture<ListFindingsResponse> listFindings(ListFindingsRequest listFindingsRequest)

      Retrieves a list of findings generated by the specified analyzer. ListFindings and ListFindingsV2 both use access-analyzer:ListFindings in the Action element of an IAM policy statement. You must have permission to perform the access-analyzer:ListFindings action.

      To learn about filter keys that you can use to retrieve a list of findings, see IAM Access Analyzer filter keys in the IAM User Guide.

      listFindingsRequest - Retrieves a list of findings generated by the specified analyzer.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListFindings operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listFindings

      default CompletableFuture<ListFindingsResponse> listFindings(Consumer<ListFindingsRequest.Builder> listFindingsRequest)

      Retrieves a list of findings generated by the specified analyzer. ListFindings and ListFindingsV2 both use access-analyzer:ListFindings in the Action element of an IAM policy statement. You must have permission to perform the access-analyzer:ListFindings action.

      To learn about filter keys that you can use to retrieve a list of findings, see IAM Access Analyzer filter keys in the IAM User Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListFindingsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListFindingsRequest.builder()

      listFindingsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListFindingsRequest.Builder to create a request. Retrieves a list of findings generated by the specified analyzer.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListFindings operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listFindingsPaginator

      default ListFindingsPublisher listFindingsPaginator(ListFindingsRequest listFindingsRequest)

      This is a variant of listFindings( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.listFindingsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.listFindingsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the listFindings( operation.

      listFindingsRequest - Retrieves a list of findings generated by the specified analyzer.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listFindingsPaginator

      default ListFindingsPublisher listFindingsPaginator(Consumer<ListFindingsRequest.Builder> listFindingsRequest)

      This is a variant of listFindings( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.listFindingsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.listFindingsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the listFindings( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListFindingsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListFindingsRequest.builder()

      listFindingsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListFindingsRequest.Builder to create a request. Retrieves a list of findings generated by the specified analyzer.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listFindingsV2

      default CompletableFuture<ListFindingsV2Response> listFindingsV2(ListFindingsV2Request listFindingsV2Request)

      Retrieves a list of findings generated by the specified analyzer. ListFindings and ListFindingsV2 both use access-analyzer:ListFindings in the Action element of an IAM policy statement. You must have permission to perform the access-analyzer:ListFindings action.

      To learn about filter keys that you can use to retrieve a list of findings, see IAM Access Analyzer filter keys in the IAM User Guide.

      listFindingsV2Request -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListFindingsV2 operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listFindingsV2

      default CompletableFuture<ListFindingsV2Response> listFindingsV2(Consumer<ListFindingsV2Request.Builder> listFindingsV2Request)

      Retrieves a list of findings generated by the specified analyzer. ListFindings and ListFindingsV2 both use access-analyzer:ListFindings in the Action element of an IAM policy statement. You must have permission to perform the access-analyzer:ListFindings action.

      To learn about filter keys that you can use to retrieve a list of findings, see IAM Access Analyzer filter keys in the IAM User Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListFindingsV2Request.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListFindingsV2Request.builder()

      listFindingsV2Request - A Consumer that will call methods on ListFindingsV2Request.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListFindingsV2 operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listFindingsV2Paginator

      default ListFindingsV2Publisher listFindingsV2Paginator(ListFindingsV2Request listFindingsV2Request)

      This is a variant of listFindingsV2( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.listFindingsV2Paginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.listFindingsV2Paginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the listFindingsV2( operation.

      listFindingsV2Request -
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listFindingsV2Paginator

      default ListFindingsV2Publisher listFindingsV2Paginator(Consumer<ListFindingsV2Request.Builder> listFindingsV2Request)

      This is a variant of listFindingsV2( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.listFindingsV2Paginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.listFindingsV2Paginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the listFindingsV2( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListFindingsV2Request.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListFindingsV2Request.builder()

      listFindingsV2Request - A Consumer that will call methods on ListFindingsV2Request.Builder to create a request.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listPolicyGenerations

      default CompletableFuture<ListPolicyGenerationsResponse> listPolicyGenerations(ListPolicyGenerationsRequest listPolicyGenerationsRequest)

      Lists all of the policy generations requested in the last seven days.

      listPolicyGenerationsRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListPolicyGenerations operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listPolicyGenerations

      default CompletableFuture<ListPolicyGenerationsResponse> listPolicyGenerations(Consumer<ListPolicyGenerationsRequest.Builder> listPolicyGenerationsRequest)

      Lists all of the policy generations requested in the last seven days.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListPolicyGenerationsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListPolicyGenerationsRequest.builder()

      listPolicyGenerationsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListPolicyGenerationsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListPolicyGenerations operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listPolicyGenerationsPaginator

      default ListPolicyGenerationsPublisher listPolicyGenerationsPaginator(ListPolicyGenerationsRequest listPolicyGenerationsRequest)

      This is a variant of listPolicyGenerations( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.listPolicyGenerationsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.listPolicyGenerationsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the listPolicyGenerations( operation.

      listPolicyGenerationsRequest -
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listPolicyGenerationsPaginator

      default ListPolicyGenerationsPublisher listPolicyGenerationsPaginator(Consumer<ListPolicyGenerationsRequest.Builder> listPolicyGenerationsRequest)

      This is a variant of listPolicyGenerations( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.listPolicyGenerationsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.listPolicyGenerationsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the listPolicyGenerations( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListPolicyGenerationsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListPolicyGenerationsRequest.builder()

      listPolicyGenerationsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListPolicyGenerationsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listTagsForResource

      default CompletableFuture<ListTagsForResourceResponse> listTagsForResource(ListTagsForResourceRequest listTagsForResourceRequest)

      Retrieves a list of tags applied to the specified resource.

      listTagsForResourceRequest - Retrieves a list of tags applied to the specified resource.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListTagsForResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listTagsForResource

      default CompletableFuture<ListTagsForResourceResponse> listTagsForResource(Consumer<ListTagsForResourceRequest.Builder> listTagsForResourceRequest)

      Retrieves a list of tags applied to the specified resource.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListTagsForResourceRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListTagsForResourceRequest.builder()

      listTagsForResourceRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListTagsForResourceRequest.Builder to create a request. Retrieves a list of tags applied to the specified resource.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListTagsForResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • startPolicyGeneration

      default CompletableFuture<StartPolicyGenerationResponse> startPolicyGeneration(StartPolicyGenerationRequest startPolicyGenerationRequest)

      Starts the policy generation request.

      startPolicyGenerationRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the StartPolicyGeneration operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ConflictException A conflict exception error.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ServiceQuotaExceededException Service quote met error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • startPolicyGeneration

      default CompletableFuture<StartPolicyGenerationResponse> startPolicyGeneration(Consumer<StartPolicyGenerationRequest.Builder> startPolicyGenerationRequest)

      Starts the policy generation request.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the StartPolicyGenerationRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via StartPolicyGenerationRequest.builder()

      startPolicyGenerationRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on StartPolicyGenerationRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the StartPolicyGeneration operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ConflictException A conflict exception error.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ServiceQuotaExceededException Service quote met error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • startResourceScan

      default CompletableFuture<StartResourceScanResponse> startResourceScan(StartResourceScanRequest startResourceScanRequest)

      Immediately starts a scan of the policies applied to the specified resource.

      startResourceScanRequest - Starts a scan of the policies applied to the specified resource.
      A Java Future containing the result of the StartResourceScan operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • startResourceScan

      default CompletableFuture<StartResourceScanResponse> startResourceScan(Consumer<StartResourceScanRequest.Builder> startResourceScanRequest)

      Immediately starts a scan of the policies applied to the specified resource.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the StartResourceScanRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via StartResourceScanRequest.builder()

      startResourceScanRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on StartResourceScanRequest.Builder to create a request. Starts a scan of the policies applied to the specified resource.
      A Java Future containing the result of the StartResourceScan operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • tagResource

      default CompletableFuture<TagResourceResponse> tagResource(TagResourceRequest tagResourceRequest)

      Adds a tag to the specified resource.

      tagResourceRequest - Adds a tag to the specified resource.
      A Java Future containing the result of the TagResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • tagResource

      default CompletableFuture<TagResourceResponse> tagResource(Consumer<TagResourceRequest.Builder> tagResourceRequest)

      Adds a tag to the specified resource.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the TagResourceRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via TagResourceRequest.builder()

      tagResourceRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on TagResourceRequest.Builder to create a request. Adds a tag to the specified resource.
      A Java Future containing the result of the TagResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • untagResource

      default CompletableFuture<UntagResourceResponse> untagResource(UntagResourceRequest untagResourceRequest)

      Removes a tag from the specified resource.

      untagResourceRequest - Removes a tag from the specified resource.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UntagResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • untagResource

      default CompletableFuture<UntagResourceResponse> untagResource(Consumer<UntagResourceRequest.Builder> untagResourceRequest)

      Removes a tag from the specified resource.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UntagResourceRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UntagResourceRequest.builder()

      untagResourceRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UntagResourceRequest.Builder to create a request. Removes a tag from the specified resource.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UntagResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateArchiveRule

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateArchiveRuleResponse> updateArchiveRule(UpdateArchiveRuleRequest updateArchiveRuleRequest)

      Updates the criteria and values for the specified archive rule.

      updateArchiveRuleRequest - Updates the specified archive rule.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateArchiveRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateArchiveRule

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateArchiveRuleResponse> updateArchiveRule(Consumer<UpdateArchiveRuleRequest.Builder> updateArchiveRuleRequest)

      Updates the criteria and values for the specified archive rule.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UpdateArchiveRuleRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UpdateArchiveRuleRequest.builder()

      updateArchiveRuleRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UpdateArchiveRuleRequest.Builder to create a request. Updates the specified archive rule.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateArchiveRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateFindings

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateFindingsResponse> updateFindings(UpdateFindingsRequest updateFindingsRequest)

      Updates the status for the specified findings.

      updateFindingsRequest - Updates findings with the new values provided in the request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateFindings operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateFindings

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateFindingsResponse> updateFindings(Consumer<UpdateFindingsRequest.Builder> updateFindingsRequest)

      Updates the status for the specified findings.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UpdateFindingsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UpdateFindingsRequest.builder()

      updateFindingsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UpdateFindingsRequest.Builder to create a request. Updates findings with the new values provided in the request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateFindings operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • validatePolicy

      default CompletableFuture<ValidatePolicyResponse> validatePolicy(ValidatePolicyRequest validatePolicyRequest)

      Requests the validation of a policy and returns a list of findings. The findings help you identify issues and provide actionable recommendations to resolve the issue and enable you to author functional policies that meet security best practices.

      validatePolicyRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ValidatePolicy operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • validatePolicy

      default CompletableFuture<ValidatePolicyResponse> validatePolicy(Consumer<ValidatePolicyRequest.Builder> validatePolicyRequest)

      Requests the validation of a policy and returns a list of findings. The findings help you identify issues and provide actionable recommendations to resolve the issue and enable you to author functional policies that meet security best practices.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ValidatePolicyRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ValidatePolicyRequest.builder()

      validatePolicyRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ValidatePolicyRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ValidatePolicy operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • validatePolicyPaginator

      default ValidatePolicyPublisher validatePolicyPaginator(ValidatePolicyRequest validatePolicyRequest)

      This is a variant of validatePolicy( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.validatePolicyPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.validatePolicyPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the validatePolicy( operation.

      validatePolicyRequest -
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • validatePolicyPaginator

      default ValidatePolicyPublisher validatePolicyPaginator(Consumer<ValidatePolicyRequest.Builder> validatePolicyRequest)

      This is a variant of validatePolicy( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.validatePolicyPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.validatePolicyPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of maxResults won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the validatePolicy( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ValidatePolicyRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ValidatePolicyRequest.builder()

      validatePolicyRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ValidatePolicyRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ValidationException Validation exception error.
      • InternalServerException Internal server error.
      • ThrottlingException Throttling limit exceeded error.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • AccessAnalyzerException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • serviceClientConfiguration

      default AccessAnalyzerServiceClientConfiguration serviceClientConfiguration()
      Description copied from interface: SdkClient
      The SDK service client configuration exposes client settings to the user, e.g., ClientOverrideConfiguration
      Specified by:
      serviceClientConfiguration in interface AwsClient
      Specified by:
      serviceClientConfiguration in interface SdkClient
    • create

      static AccessAnalyzerAsyncClient create()
      Create a AccessAnalyzerAsyncClient with the region loaded from the DefaultAwsRegionProviderChain and credentials loaded from the DefaultCredentialsProvider.
    • builder

      Create a builder that can be used to configure and create a AccessAnalyzerAsyncClient.