Class NestedAttributeName


@ThreadSafe public final class NestedAttributeName extends Object
A high-level representation of a DynamoDB nested attribute name that can be used in various situations where the API requires or accepts a nested attribute name. The nested attributes are represented by a list of strings where each element corresponds to a nesting level. A simple (top-level) attribute name can be represented by creating an instance with a single string element.

NestedAttributeName is used directly in QueryEnhancedRequest.nestedAttributesToProject() and ScanEnhancedRequest.nestedAttributesToProject(), and indirectly by QueryEnhancedRequest.attributesToProject() and ScanEnhancedRequest.attributesToProject().

Examples of creating NestedAttributeNames:

  • Simple attribute Level0 can be created as NestedAttributeName.create("Level0")
  • Nested attribute Level0.Level1 can be created as NestedAttributeName.create("Level0", "Level1")
  • Nested attribute Level0.Level-2 can be created as NestedAttributeName.create("Level0", "Level-2")
  • List item 0 of ListAttribute can be created as NestedAttributeName.create("ListAttribute[0]")
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static NestedAttributeName create(String element)
      Creates a NestedAttributeName with a single element, which is effectively just a simple attribute name without nesting.

      Example:create("foo") will create NestedAttributeName corresponding to Attribute foo.

      element - Attribute Name. Single String represents just a simple attribute name without nesting.
      NestedAttributeName with attribute name as specified element.
    • create

      public static NestedAttributeName create(String... elements)
      Creates a NestedAttributeName from a list of elements that compose the full path of the nested attribute.

      Example:create("foo", "bar") will create NestedAttributeName which represents nested attribute.

      elements - Nested Attribute Names. Each of strings in varargs represent the nested attribute name at subsequent levels.
      NestedAttributeName with Nested attribute name set as specified in elements var args.
    • create

      public static NestedAttributeName create(List<String> elements)
      Creates a NestedAttributeName from a list of elements that compose the full path of the nested attribute.

      Example:create(Arrays.asList("foo", "bar")) will create NestedAttributeName which represents nested attribute.

      elements - List of Nested Attribute Names. Each of strings in List represent the nested attribute name at subsequent levels.
      NestedAttributeName with Nested attribute name set as specified in elements Collections.
    • builder

      public static NestedAttributeName.Builder builder()
      Create a builder that can be used to create a NestedAttributeName.
    • elements

      public List<String> elements()
      Gets elements of NestedAttributeName in the form of List. Each element in the list corresponds to the subsequent Nested Attribute name.
      List of nested attributes, each entry in the list represent one level of nesting. Example, A Two level Attribute name will be represented as ["foo", "bar"]
    • toBuilder

      public NestedAttributeName.Builder toBuilder()
      Returns a builder initialized with all existing values on the request object.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object