Annotation Type BeanTableSchemaAttributeTag

@Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface BeanTableSchemaAttributeTag
This meta-annotation is not used directly in DynamoDb beans, it is used to annotate other annotations that are used with DynamoDb beans. You should use this meta-annotation if you are creating new annotations for the BeanTableSchema. Meta-annotation for BeanTableSchema annotations that are used to assign an StaticAttributeTag to a property on the bean. When an annotation that is annotated with this meta-annotation is found on a property being scanned by the BeanTableSchema then a static method named 'attributeTagFor' will be invoked passing in a single argument which is the property annotation itself. See BeanTableSchemaAttributeTags for an example of how to implement the StaticAttributeTag suppliers for bean mapper annotations.
  • Required Element Summary

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